Dear Mother...

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Dear Mother,

Keep saying “Who cares,”

and see where I end up.

Keep saying “Oh well,”

and see that you won’t have me as a daughter anymore.

Dear Mother,

I hate your pathetic little lies,

I hate your screaming voice,

and your “I’m all that” attitude.

You won’t have me much longer.

Dear Mother,

Keep calling me worthless,

keep saying I’m going to fail at everything,

keep saying I’m such a bitch.

See how many scars you put on me?

Dear Mother,

keep up the threatening,

keep up the ‘good’ mother act,

keep up the verbal abuse,

you don’t have me any longer.

Dear Mother,

I’m a thousand miles away,

I’m smiling like it’s a better day

But the scars are deep,

and there forever.

Dear Mother,

I haven’t talked to you in months,

I haven’t bothered to pick up the phone.

I don’t want to see you,

Keep telling me you love me; it’s all a lie.

Dear Mother,

I’m gone,

I’ve run away.

From you.

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