In My Arms

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"Fu. I thank you for taking care of my student."

"I-pin's master?!"

"It's good to see you again, I-pin."

"Uwaah! He's so hard to catch!"

"Fu. I do not plan on leaving I-pin so soon."

"I'll make sure you'll live long enough to watch over I-pin."

"Fu. Tsunayoshi. What are you planning? Meeting the Triads like that is......"

"Don't worry, Fon. This time, instead of last time, I'm going to make sure you're properly in my arms."

A man with braided hair sat cross-legged on the grass, eyes closed as he listens to the wind.

"Fu. It is a nice day, isn't it, Tsunayoshi?"


"The sun shines just nice and the clouds are floating about."


"Peaceful isn't it?"


"I can assume you wished that everyday would be like this, yes?"


"Seeing as you hated the paperworks caused by your guardians."


"Fu. Have I perhaps, become delusional?"


"Because I feel your presence, Tsunayoshi. Even if......"


"Fu. I'm sorry. What was I thinking?"


"Of course you are here. Excuse me. Now why don't you get comfortable as I tell you about I-pin's little adventure?"

And the man continued to talk to no one as the wind picked up space, muffling the voice of the only human in the dark, lonely woods.

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