Chapter Two; Truths and Dares

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Heyo! I told you I'd be back! Hehe I had a lot of fun with the first Chapter, so why not write the second? It's not like I don't have any friends! I'm so lonely ;D Now onwards with our story!


Chapter Two
(Ross's POV)
Barney, of course, had suggested the worst game.
"I'll goes first." He said. Red lept off his beanbag and sat next to Barney who was now on the floor. Adam and TimTim did the same. Max and I exchanged glances. He smiled slightly at me before sliding onto the floor and sitting next to Adam. My cheeks heated up.
I slid myself onto the floor and propped myself between Max and Red.
"Okays. Adams. Truths or Dare?" Barney asked. Adam pretended to think over his answer, but I already had seen the smirk on his face.
"Truth." He chuckled.
"Is it true that yous had the crushs on Jins befores he left?" A sly smile kept onto Barney's face. Meanwhile, Adam's face turned a slight shade of pink.
"Yeah. Jin was a cool guy. Of course, Alesa and Baby Mason are my loves, but I did have a small crush on Jin." Adam laughed out. We all laughed.
Fifteen full circles in and it was 1:23 a.m. Barney had only asked for Truths, Adam a few truths but mostly dares, Red had only asked for one dare, TimTim had abandoned us on the fourth round, I had asked for an equal amount of both truths and dares, and Max had asked for all dares. Except for when I asked him. He always wanted Truths from me...
I wonder why.
It was Adam's turn to ask someone.
"Alright Max. Truth or dare." Adam asked him, smiling despite it being early in the morning.
(A/N: Anything after 11:59 p.m. counts as early morning, correct?)
I closed my eyes. Resting for a second couldn't hurt now, could it?  I sighed, not caring. I was tired and should be allowed to got to sleep whenever I wanted.
(Max's POV)
"Dare." I answer Adam's question. Something touched me. I took a quick glance down. Ross is laying down, his head on my thigh. His glasses were slipping off, his face angled a tad bit sideways. I gulped, pretending not to pay attention to him. I stare at Adam, but pretty soon, him, Barney, and Red were laughing hysterically.
"Kiss Ross." Adam smiled. Red and Barney started to laugh even harder.
I felt my face heat up. I gritted my teeth.
"And what are the consequences?" I asked. If they found out I had a crush on him, even if it was just a little one, their lives would be on the line.
I actually thought they were pretty cool guys too.
"You've got to buy us lunch for the next month." I sigh, giving Adam the impression that I had given in. He knew I wouldn't buy all fifteen of us lunch.
I gently lean my head down and planted a kiss on Ross' nose. 

Everyone starts laughing as I'm fuming, my face like an a tomato.

"Alright Alright. Take him to his office." Adam said, wiping a tear from his eye.
"We'll pick up after you get back."
I roll my eyes and stick up my middle finger before picking Ross up and carrying him to his office, bridal style. I could hear them snickering in the background, but who cares.
I mean, Ross isn't a bad dude. He's pretty adorable actually.

(Adam's POV)

"I can't believe he actually did it. I thought he'd stand up and come chasing me down the hallway ya'know. Like he usually does." I said as soon as Max left the room. Barney and I exchanged glances before turning to Red.

"Well. How 'bout you?"

"I thought you were gonna die I swear." Red scratched his head, chuckling slightly.

"I'ms the pretty sure Max likes Ross." Barney mumbled in his outlandish accent.

"Yeah. We'll have to wait and see. Why's he taking so long anyways?" I say, looking over the couch to see he hadn't arrived back yet.

"Wanna go spy on them?"

We crept silently through the halls and looked into the room Max and Ross were in. Max was making a bed, while Ross was talking. I heard Red laugh.

We stared at them until Max was heading towards the door. I ran down the hall, Red and Barney close behind.

"Shhh. Don't tell him." Red said. He sat down on the floor, Barney sitting down next to him. I nodded.

"I'll go make some snacks so he thinks we were just waiting."  

(Max's POV)

I carried Ross into the room and set him down in his desk chair. Going over to the closet, I pulled out an air mattress and used the motor to blow it up. It was small, but was perfect for Ross. I placed it in the corner of the room and started to set out the sheets. Someone's voice mumbled.


I turned around to Ross staring at me. He looked confused.

"How'd I get here?"

"I carried you." I murmured, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh." He yawned and rubbed his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.


I turned around to keep him from seeing the blush that crept onto my cheeks and face. Continuing to make the bed, I asked Ross a question.

"I've been meaning to ask... Do you like anyone?" I regretted asking as soon as it came out of my mouth. I gulped.

"No." Ross said. I heard his hesitation.


"Why'd you wanna know?"

"No reason." I murmured, pulling the sheet over the bed.

I heard him get up and saw him jump onto the bed. I flinched at the sudden impact.

"Don't do that. You'll pop the bed."

Lightning flashed outside, and he jumped. 

Still nervous, he lay himself on top of the sheet. I draped him with a blanket.

"I've gotta get back to them. They're probably wondering why I'm taking so long." I say, even though I wasn't in a hurry to leave.

"Can't I come?" He yawned out.

"Get some sleep." I turned and was about to exit the room when I heard him mumble something.

"Hey Max?"


"Thanks for the kiss."


Hey now there's finally some floof!! I told you guys it'd come soon! Anyways, I'll probably try to get another Chapter out later today because I've got nothing to do so... 

Thanks for all the support, even if it's only a few people atm! 

~ Have a great day everyone! ~

Time Taken:  An Hour and a Half

Breaks: None

Words: 1,091

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