Chapter Three; There Go the Lights

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Hey again!! Here we are with the third chapter! Thanks for reading my story everyone! >:3 I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday like I said I was going to. I kinda had trouble coming up with a plot because I haven't been feeling well. So, sorry but I had to rest up! So, let's get on with the story then! Hehehehehe...


Chapter Three

(Max's POV)
I walked back to the game room in silence.
"What a bitch." I murmured, but I didn't really mean it. Ross was a great friend of mine.
Probably my best friend.
I walked into the room. Adam had left, while Red and Barney were talking quietly and snickering. I slumped my shoulders and took a seat on the couch.
Adam walked in with a bowl of popcorn. He took a seat on the floor next to Red and Barney. Grabbing a handful of the buttery popcorn, he set it down on the floor.
"It's your turn Max." I moaned quietly, thinking over who to ask.
"Red. Truth or Dare?" I asked. He responded quickly, probably anticipated I was going to ask him.
"Dare." I raised an eyebrow, but shrugged.
"I dare you to stick your head in the toilet bowl." I yawned. I wasn't gonna go easy on anyone now that my emotions were stirring.
Wait, what?


We continued to go on with the game. Eventually, it was just Adam and I. He gave up and went to bed and I was alone in the couch. Sighing, I grabbed a blanket and a pillow and situated myself. A crack of thunder boomed throughout the sky.
I heard someone pad through the hallways, but thought nothing of it until I heard my name.
I immediately knew it was Ross. I looked up to see him clothed in a grey sweat jacket and jeans. He was holding a pillow with a narwhal stitched into its fabric. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept at all.
Like me.
"Max?" He asked again. I had completely forgotten to answer.
"Yeah?" I asked, nervous at what he was gonna say. My cheeks slightly flushed, but I didn't bother to hide it.
"Can I come sleep in here? The thunder. And the lightn-"
He was cut off by a loud crash and a light illuminating the sky. He jumped, frightened. The lights flickered for a second before completely going out.
"Great. Just what I needed."
I listened throughout the office for a moment. No one had seemed to wake, which was good on my part.
"I'll just have Ethan fix it in the morning."
I whispered to myself.
I got up and searched for Ross in the darkness.
I wandered around aimlessly until I found him. From what I could tell, he was sitting on the floor and shaking. I could hear him shaking.
That couldn't be good.
"Why didn't you just use your-your phone flashlight?" He spoke quickly and quietly, as if he didn't want me to hear him.
But I heard him.
"Oh. I'm such a dumbass." I put two fingers up to the bridge of my nose and pulled my phone out. I unlocked it swiftly and turned on the flashlight.
From what the flashlight convayed, Ross' face was nervous and tense. He squinted in the sudden change of light, as did I.
My eyes adjusted, and I saw him staring at me. It must of been subconsciously, because he didn't even register it until I said his name.
"I think we should head back to the couch."
I helped him up. He wouldn't let go of my hand, which made my heart skip a beat. I led him to the couch in silence.
We sat on the couch together. He rested his head on my shoulder, which made me flinch for a moment. He fell asleep quickly, and didn't even stir when thunder boomed throughout the sky.
I fell asleep soon after.


(Still Max' POV bc it's easy to write)
I woke to the sound of a camera snap. Quickly opening my eyes and sitting up, I saw Adam and Barney looking over at a phone screen, laughing to themselves.
Looking around, I noticed Ross' face buried in my shirt. He lay on top of me, his arms wrapped around my sides.
I looked back up at Adam and Barney, who were laughing at me instead of the phone.
"If you post that fucking picture to any social media sites your lives will be at stake." I half yelled half growled. When I meant business, I meant business. Barney grabbed the phone and seemingly opened another app. I scrambled out from beneath Ross and ran after him, who was now trudging down the hallway.
He was gonna do it, and then he was gonna die.
"Get back here dumbass!" I shouted, probably waking up everyone in the office if they hadn't already been up.
I caught up to Barney and jumped on top of him, making both of us fall to the ground.
He dropped the phone and I quickly grabbed it.
"Okays Okays you win." Barney said, laughing. He struggles beneath me, trying to escape.
I got up from off of him.
"Don't try anything, or you won't wake up tomorrow." I growled. He nodded and ran down the hall. I still had the phone in hand, scrolling through the photo album and deleting the picture of Ross and I. I went back to Adam and handed him back his phone.
He wiggled his eyebrows, and I flipped him off.
"Go away, bitch." I sat back on the couch and opened my phone.
Thankfully, the lights were out, so no one saw me scoot closer to Ross, who had happened to still be sleeping.
Maybe I did like him a little more than what I had first thought.
Heyo Guys! I feel much better after writing that! Thanks for waiting! Oh boy am I happy I got that over. Now the real shit begins...
I've listened to the whole Hamilton soundtrack three times during this and I feel accomplished.
Thanks to everyone for reading my story!
(P.S. I don't think there's gonna be a chapter out tommorrow because I've got school and soccer practice soon after, and then I have to finish packing for vacation and head to the airport. But don't give your hopes up!)

Time Taken: Two Hours

Breaks: Two

Words: 1139

(If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out to me for I suck at revising things)

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