Chapter Seven; Meadow for the Lovers

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Heyo Guys! Sorry this didn't come out before (;゙°'ω°'). I had to unpack a crap load of stuff from vacation and I watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was really good, incase you were wondering. Enjoy and Thanks for ALMOST 600 READS HOLY SHIT.
Chapter Seven
(Max's POV)
I picked up the picture on Ross' desk. It was in a simple frame, a silver one to be precise. I studied the picture in it closely. It was a normal picture. I was standing and scowling at the camera, waving my hand as if to say "go away". Ross was next to me, smirking like an idiot.
A cute idiot.
I leaned back, the picture still in hand. The chair bumped into something. I spun around. Ross was looking down at me, his eyes conveying little to no emotion.
I blushed and leapt from the chair.
"R-Ross! I, um..."
"What're ya doing?" He asked, still staring at me.
"I, uh, nothing." I hid the picture I had been looking at behind my back. "C'mon. I wanna go home and go to the park." He set the straws he had in his hand on his desk. I put the picture back back as well, making sure Ross didn't notice that I had taken it.
"Isn't Barney gonna be mad at us for leaving work four hours early?"
"Screw Barney."
(A/N: Actually Red can screw Barney if ya know what I mean
(*'・v・) Hehe...)
He ran out of the room, my hand still in his, and slipped past everyone's offices and out the front door. Sure, I hated leaving work early, but I was going to spend time with someone. Someone that I really liked.
I opened the car door and jumped in. TimTim would have to get someone else to drive him home.
Ross opened the car door and got in next to me. "I can't believe I'm leaving work for this." I pulled the car out of the driveway and headed down the road.
(Max' POV)
I pulled up to the house. Ross ran out of the car and to the door. I followed shortly after, fishing through my pockets for the key to the house. I unlocked it, and Ross ran to his room, most likely to find something more fitting to wear. I walked in and was greeted by KP, who nuzzled her face against my leg. I bent down and scratched her head before heading to my own room. I felt my phone buzz for a moment in my pocket. I pulled it out.
A text from TimTim appeared on my screen.
Where are you guys? Red's been looking for you. We were gonna head out to do stuff.
I thought over what to say for a moment.
Ross and I went home. We're gonna head to the park soon though. Make Red or Barney drive you home.
I threw my phone on the bed and went over to my closet. I look through the sets of clothes, eventually deciding on a black turtleneck and jeans. I quickly changed into the new cloths, putting the dirty cloths in my hamper, and sat down in my desk chair. I opened my editing program. I was gonna at least try to get some work done while I waited for Ross to get ready.
(Ross' POV)
I ran into the house, speeding past Max and KP. I went straight to my room and locked the door before dancing in a little circle.
"Now's my chance to ask him out!" I threw myself onto my bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I thought for a moment.
What if he says no?
I gulped, not thinking too fondly of my negative thoughts.
He won't. I've seen the way he looks at me. He's seen the way I look at him.
I knew he liked me. He had too! Right?
But what if he doesn't like you?
The voice hissed, louder. I pushed the thought away, getting up to get ready to go to the park. I pulled out a plain green shirt, nothing too fancy, and my favorite brown jacket. I grabbed a new pair of jeans too, shoving them over my bare legs. I looked at myself in the mirror I had in my room. Satisfied with the way I looked, I walked out and went to Max's door. I hesitated for a moment.
You really think he'll like you? You're just a sad little scrap of a person.
Maybe the little voice in my head was right.
I shook my head and knocked on Max's door. He answered quickly.
"I'm, uh... ready?" He looked over my choice of clothes for a moment before side-stepping past me and heading for the door. I followed him, eager to get to the park.
He was wearing a simple black turtleneck and jeans like he did often. It was probably his favorite set of clothing. It probably smelled like him.
(Ross' POV still)
The park Max brought me to was beautiful. Actually, it was more of a feild than a park. The grass was lime green and stretched on for miles. Not a single person dotted the meadow. The sky was clear, no clouds looming in the distance. Millions of different flowers covered the area. Tulips, Roses, Daisies, Buttercups, and many more I couldn't name.
"What is this place?" I asked, getting out of the car. Max got out too.
"Just a little place I found." He grabbed my hand and ran out into the meadow. He flopped down into the grass and looked over as I did the same.
"It's nice." I stared at the clear sky, pondering if I should ask him if he liked me.
He won't like you.
The little voice in my head screamed. Maybe it was right. I flipped myself to look over at Max, who had sprawled himself out.
"Can I ask you a question?" I bit my lip.
"How would you confess to someone that you like them?" I sat up and looked over at him. He still lay there, not looking away from the sky.
"I'd bring them to a nice place. Maybe a meadow like this one. Then I'd confess all my thoughts." Max started to blush. I wonder why...
"And if they said No?" I lay back down, but still looked over at Max.
"I dunno. I'd probably be a little sad, but we'd still be friends."
"Would you be a Sad Max?" I snickered. I couldn't help it.
He looked over at me. He didn't seem angry. Just annoyed.
"Adam's really rubbing off on you, isn't he?"
No. I just like teasing you.
I wanted to say that so bad, but I kept it sealed away in ny head where only I could hear it.
We sat in silence for some time. I think Max fell asleep, but I wasn't sure. Now would be the perfect chance, as the sky was turning a fiery orange. A perfect romantic setting, if I do say so myself.
"Hey Max?"
"Hrmm?" He said, sleepily.
"I like you. A lot."
"Me too Ross. Me too." He sat up and looked at me. I didn't know what to say. I thought he was going to think I was weird. I thought I was going to have to avoid him. I thought we wouldn't be friends. I thought I was ruining my life. Boy had I been wrong.
I sat up as well. Max and I stared into each other's eyes. I looked away, staring up at the sky instead. I reached for his hand and he reached for mine. They touched and easily intertwined their fingers with the other's fingers. I felt it all happening in slow motion, but I didn't dare look incase I ruin the moment.
"Ross? Can I say something crazy?"
"Go for it."
"I kinda wanna kiss you right now. Is this awkward?" I laughed and looked over at him. He was staring at me in the twilight.
"I kinda wanna kiss you too." Max bent over and kissed me. I was shocked, but didn't pull away. We kissed for some time. A second? A minute? An hour? He'll did I know. All I knew was that I was kissing the man I'd liked for a long time.
Max pulled away and we stared at each other again. We were so close together, out sides touching. Nothing but silence stood between us.
He stood up.
"Let's get home." He held out his hand for me. I gladly took it.
"One thing before we leave." I asked. Trusting my gut, I planted a kiss on his cheek.
"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Writing that was actually hard bc I had no clue how to make it cute yet romantic (?). Man how do I write anything other than violence ahhgg. That's like the one thing I'm good at writing.
Thanks for reading this crappy story and for all the support!

Time Taken: Two Hours

Breaks: None

Words: 1565

Songs: P!ATD and TØP

(Don't forget to leave suggestions and point out any mistakes!!)

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