Chapter Eleven; A Proper Date for Two Improper Men

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Heyo guys. I don't have much to say other than I'm sorry for not updating, but I've been feeling really horrible lately, both mentally and physically. But no need to worry!
Enjoy your fluff and this chapter is kinda sad so beware my buddies.~

Chapter Eleven
(Max's POV)

Ah yes. Tim. Always ruining everything. Bringer of destruction. God of mistrust.
Of course he gave away our secret before we were ready.
I felt Ross stiffen in my arms. I slit open my eyes and saw a few of our peers staring at us. I heard mild laughing just as the song was ending.
"How you doing there, Max?" I heard Red chuckle. I let go of Ross and looked over at them. All of them, which consisted of Red, Adam, Barney, Tim, Scott, and Ethan, we're laughing or smirking. I narrowed my eyes.
"Bunch of rude assholes. Can't just walk away from a situation." I mumbled into Ross' ear before turning on my heels and walking away from the crowd. Ross trailed behind me, but Red, Tim and Barney were following us as well.
At least the rest of them had the caution to not to.
We slipped out the back door and walked down the steps before sitting down on the last one.
"I feel really embarrassed." Ross muttered into his hands, which were up by his face.
"I'm more angry than embarrassed. Tim gave our fucking secret away before we were ready." I turned my head around at the sound of the door opening.
Tim, Red and Barney appeared. I sighed.
"What do you fuckers want?"
Tim broke out into a laugh, and Barney's face was as red as an apple. Red was hunched over laughing too.
Ross and I exchanged glances.
"I can't believe Tim was right!" Red had ceased his laughing, but was still hunched over.
"Oh. Tim." I clenched my teeth, holding back my anger.
"Tim, Max said you told us out. Is this, uh, true?" Ross, concerned as to what actually went down, questioned.
"What? You actually thought I was gonna keep your secret?"
I arose from where I was standing and kicked Tim in the knee.
"Owe." He fell to the ground.
Red and Barney stared at me, startled by my sudden movement. Barney had wrapped his arms around Red's neck, hoping he would carry him away if I attacked.
Nerds. They were probably in love, like Ross and I.
"I swear. I fucking swear. If you let the fucking world know I will kill you. All of you. One. By. One." I threatened, I clenched my fist, turning around and heading back to Ross.
"You don't haves to be a Mad Max all the times." Barney murmured.
I stopped walking. I clenched my fist even harder.
Why did they like pissing me off so much?

I took a deep breath before sitting myself down. Ross looked solemnly at me, but I gave him a fake smile.

heard the door close, and I let out a breath I hadn't know I was holding.
"Don't let them get to you, okay? They're just being jerks." Ross grabbed my hand, causing me to flinch.
"You're doing it again."
"Doing what?"
"Clenching your fists. Stop doing it. All the blood is traveling away from your knuckles."
I pulled my hand back, realizing he was right.
I stopped balling my fists, my white knuckles returning to normal.
"So.. about that date..." Ross stared up at the midday sky.
I sheepishly scratched the back of my head.
"Oh. Yeah. About that..."
"I'm fine with going."
I felt my face twist into a look of shock.
"Really?" He has grabbed my hand again, still staring up at the sky.
Shadows danced on the ground as a flock of birds flew overhead.
"Yeah. Somewhere fancy...."
He trailed off, using his unoccupied hand to outline a cloud.
"Yeah. Fancy..." Ideas ran through my mind.
"Why not."

Time Skip
(Max's POV)

I look fine. Ross isn't one to judge based upon appearance.
I stared in the mirror, adjusting my tie for seventh time. The man in the glass frame in front of me was clad in a black suit jacket and a white shirt. I adjusted my tie again, which was turquoise.
Ross had asked Tim to take him somewhere. Where? Wasn't sure.
I was home alone, getting myself ready.
I heard a ding from my phone and scooped it up from off the bed.
Tim had texted me.
"Ross said he wants to meet you there. Don't wait for him. Grab yourself a table."
I sighed. Looks as though I would be driving there alone.
I grab my keys and my wallet and head out the door. I lock it swiftly and walk to my car, where I get in and start up it up.
When I arrive, I see it's already 6:30.
I casually walk in and get us a table, which the waiter leads me to.
"On a date I see. Waiting for someone?" The waiter asks kindly, her curly black hair bouncing.
"Yeah. It'll just be a few minutes."
I waited and waited. Checked my watch a few times. Texted both Ross and Tim. Neither answered. The waiter, her name was Madison, came over a few times.
"Honey, are you sure she didn't stand up to you?" She gave me a pat on the back and put a water on my table.
"He. And I'm sure he didn't. He couldn't have." I heard my voice crack, and Madison could hear it too.
"Well, if you need anything honey just ask for Maddie." She walked away, leaving me to worry on my own again.
I pulled out my phone and texted Ross.
"Ross? I'm kinda worried. Show up, or at least text me."
I felt like I was about to cry. Ross couldn't have just abandoned me, could he? I thought he loved me. He even told me. But why would he stand up to me? Did I do something wrong?
"Please Ross." My voice cracked even worse. I wiped my eyes, not wanting anyone to see that I was crying.
I check my watch. It's now 8:56. Ross isn't here. He probably stood up to me.
I sigh, about to get up when I hear a car pull up outside, and I see someone run inside, but I didn't get a good glimpse.
I turn towards the door to see Ross run in. He is clothed in a grey suit jacket and a white undershirt and a black tie. He is holding a box shaped like a heart and a bouquet of flowers.
He looks around for a moment before spotting me and running towards me.
He wraps his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug.
"Max Max Max I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." He drops the flowers and the box into the table and hugs me even tighter. I hug him back.
He keeps apologizing, and I feel his tears on my neck.
"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry." His words start to mash together, and soon he's just crying.
I rub his back.
"It's okay. It's okay. I forgive you."
I see people at staring at us, some in disgust and some in confusion. I don't really care, but I sit down in a booth, Ross still wrapped around me.
He's still crying, scared that I'm mad.
"I'm sorry there was traffic and I was getting you flowers and they didn't have the kind you liked and then the candy shop ran out of the chocolate you like and Tim's car got a flat tire and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't be mad."
I lift his head and give him a kiss on the nose.
I promise I'm not mad. It's okay." He's sitting in my lap, his legs dangling over the sides of mine. Madison comes over, a water in hand.
"Here sweetie. It looks like you've had a tough night."
She hands Ross the cold drink, and he sips it quietly, one hand still wrapped around my neck.
Waiters had gathered around now, staring around corners at us. I glanced up at them every so often. Some were teary eyed, while others had soft smiles or looks of horror.
"A-are you sure? You should be mad. I'm late and I'm sorry and I made you look like a fool for staying here for two hours by yourself and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry." He placed his water on the table and began to cry again. I gave him another kiss, this time on his forehead.
"Shh. It's okay." I grab my wallet and leave a tip for Madison. Sweet girl indeed.
I stuff my things into my pockets and Ross grabs the things he had bought for me, still crying and apologizing.
I attempt to pick him up, succeeding. I bid a silent goodbye to the waiters before heading out the door and towards my car.
"Maybe something fancy isn't the best." I murmured. Ross nodded in agreement, his face in my shoulder.
"Want to go for ice cream? Or would you rather go home?"
He hesitates before responding.
"I'll go for ice cream." He still has his arms around my neck, his legs were around my torso as I carried him across the parking lot.
He wasn't that heavy really...
I opened the car door and he got in himself. I walked around to my side and got in.
"I'm sorry this happned." Ross mumbled.
The car rumbled to life, and I pulled out of the parking space.
"Don't be. I still love you more than anything."
"Even more than Mac & Cheese?"
"Even more than Mac & Cheese."
Fucking Bloody murder.
This hurt a lot. This was so adorable I almost died. I almost called the police to come save me from a heart attack of cuteness.
I thought that Ross crying over being late would be 10x better than him getting in a car crash, because I can write sappy cute lovely stuff rather than car crash sad stuff.
ice cream next chapter bc who doesn't love icecream?

(Correction: Some people like Icecream, some people don't. I mean, I'm not one to judge. I don't like Pizza.)

Also! Is being awake at 3:00 am because of ships normal? I've been dying over here because in Jess' new hide and seek she kept bugging Max about Mithross and ahhhhhhhh!
Ty all for 3.49k reads. Ily all!

Time Taken: A couple days. Not sure.

Breaks: I'm not even gonna keep track of breaks anymore tbh.

Words: 1839


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