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After smiley got done treating me, i went to my room and locked myself in. Ben told me Clock drug Toby away and he hasn't come back yet. I knew Clock was trouble but what could i do about it? I'm not strong enough.

After Toby was taken, the Pastas began to plan out a way to get him back and kick Clockwork's ass. They knew I was livid over this, but Slender suggested that one of the Pastas train me so they have extra help in going after Clockwork.

"Alright, Nikki, we will let you choose who you will train with. The guys that volunteered are Jeff, EJ, and Ben. All three are good with knives, but each have their own style."

Alright then, I get to train with the guy that murdered his brother, the guy that has no eyes and is a cannibal, or the game maniac thats good with tech. Ben is obviously out since he is an obvious perv. I guess I can go with Jeff. He seems like a nice guy that is misunderstood sometimes.

"I-I think I'll have Jeff h-help me out. I already know h-how to fight l-like Toby, so b-being able to fight l-like Jeff w-with knives will be some-something Clockwork won't be expecting." Jeff looked up from his spot on the couch and I believe he smiled a true smile seeing my determination to get Toby back.

"I'm looking forward to training you in my ways of making people go to sleep, heheheh." I smiled, grateful for his help, but that smile slowly grew to the point where it was evident that I was going insane.

We will kill that bitch that took our man. She won't get away. Neither will anyone else that gets in our way. Kill anyone that gets in our way. Bathe in her blood and tear her apart limb from limb. Then dice her into cubes and make her organs into little cabobs to give to EJ.

"Nikki? Are you okay, child?" Slender's hands rested on my shoulders, bringing me back to my senses to see everyone, including Jeff, concerned or surprised at what was going on.
"I'm fine. I-I just have a lot on my m-mind." Slendy let go of me and I made my way up the stairs to Toby's room before shutting the door.

I sat down on Toby's bed, staring at a picture of us on his nightstand. "I-I promise I will find y-you. Anyone that t-tries to keep you away from m-me, I will kill them."

The pastas were outside of my door listening to me proceed to have fits of maniacal laughter. None of them wanted to go in Toby's room in fear of my insanity. I could sense their fear from my spot on Toby's bed.

"Goodnight guys." I cooed in a playful tone as I snuggled in the covers and went to bed.

Ben's pov.

The guys stayed up all night discussing what just happened.

"She's losing herself too fast. If she doesn't regain enough sanity to be stable, she'll kill us all and Zalgo help us if that happens."

Jeff flips his knife in the air over and over. "Good point. I would hate to have to kill her. Plus, Toby would kill us if we had to kill her."

"Let's just focus on Jeff training her tomorrow. We can't let her get too insane just yet."


I didn't get any sleep last night, mainly due to the fact I was a little more than concerned about Nikki. She was losing herself too fast.

"Hey, Benny boy." Jeff shuffled down the hall and flopped on the couch next to me, shoving a pop tart in his mouth.

"You ready for today, Jeffy?" Glancing at him, I see he shares my concerns.

"Not really. I stayed up all night playing on the xbox to get my mind off her. . . She gave us a scare last night, bro. No one has ever scared me like that before." Jeff turned to the stairs, glancing up the hall before turning his attention back to us.

Jeff had a point there. No one has ever scared him worse than himself until now. Hell, most of us are afraid of Nikki after her episode.

"We just need to train her until we go after Clock; it's up to her from there. Maybe Toby can get through to her."

We got up and ate breakfast while we waited for Nikki to come down, leaving a plate of waffles for her when we were done and going outside.

To our fearful surprise, Nikki was already outside throwing knives and anything else she could get her hands on at a tree she painted a target on with who knows what. Jeff and I watched with surprise and some trace of fear as she hit dead center every time.

"Maybe we should tell slendy she doesnt need any training?"

Jeff turned and ran inside with an "I got it" echoing behind him.

I continued to watch her perfect her accuracy with her knives for some time, until she got tired and went inside. As she passed she flashed me a smile, devoid of her insanity, and shuffled through the door.

This girl's got some personality issues or something.

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