Entry 3

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Dear Darwin Diary,

Gumgum (Gumball) gave me his old looking phone.

Mah Gawd! I don't need such an old fashioned phone. It's not too fab for me!

after a few minute, There's a lot of messages... from Ochy (Ocho the pixelated spider). He's fabby wabby, because  he always chat with meh!!!

We're fab friends! Gumgum ain't fab, because he's KillJoy, and killjoys aren't fab!! Pweh~

Suddenly, Mr. Small took man phone and brought it to his Guidance Office. Mah Gawd!! He's just like Gumgum! They're both not Fabbies!!

I Just wanna scream "FIRE EXTINGUISHER SMOKEY!!! YOU AIN'T FABBY WABBY LIKE ME AND OCHY WOCHY!!! GIMME BACK MAH FABBY PHONE!!" But I can't. yelling at the people who are older  than you isn't fab at all! Disrespecting ain't Fab!! It's "Fat"!!

So I asked Gumgum for help while I was like "OMG OMG OMG!!!" To make it a style. Stylists are fabilicious!!!

He ended up helping me up, because I'm an irresistible Fab fish! But he made a fire in the Office. Well, that ain't fab at all... i mean, setting fire in the office? You think it's Fab?? Meh. Nope. Not fab.

Ochy ain't Fab at all, after he tortured our rooftop... and my  fab phone... I just wanna scream "Oh mah... OCHY!!! YOU AIN'T FAB AT ALL!!!"

Man, today is such an unfab day... =~=

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