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Jade Pov
I felt fireworks I pulled off him
June had a shock look on his face "What!" said June shocked
I nodded with a smile
His shock face got worse 
I giggled "Juney?" I said
"Foreal" said June
I nodded "Yess" I said giving him another one
His lips are so soft
He smiled and kissed me back.
We started to makeout
I pulled off of Juney "Omg Amaya!" I said
"Yall are so cute" said Amaya
"June how was you able to get Jadey to kiss you" said Alesia
He shrugged his shoulders
"Jadey? how!" said Amaya
I shrugged my shoulders "I don't even know" I said turning red
"Awww is this love or what" said Alesia
We shrugged our shoulders
"Wow this is crazy a Sophomore dating a Freshman this is good news" said Amaya " this is going in th school newspaper!" she added taking a picture of us
"Amaya dont that's gonna start things" I said
"Don't you ever wanna leave school early" said Amaya
"Yes" I said
"Okay then this is going in the paper" said Amaya
I shook my head and looked at June
He shrugged "That's Amaya for you" said June
"Lol" I said
*2 weeks later*
"Yall what song should I sing for the talent show" I said
Nevaeh spit out her drink so did Corey
Deshawntae shook his head
"Wait your gonna be in the talent show" said Nevaeh
"Yes first place gets 100 dollars" I said
"So you just doing it for the money" said Corey
"No just for fun" I said
"Lamee" said Nevaeh and Corey
"You two stop it" said Ashanti sitting down "I think you are doing a good thing" she added
"Same here" said Deshawntae
"Thank you" I said
"What are you gonna do with the money" said Nevaeh "If you win" she added
"Save it up" I saud
"For" said Corey
"To get dad out of jail" I said
They all looked at me besides Deshawntae
"What" I said
"Dad can't get bailed out" said Ashanti
"And why not" I said
"Along time ago they said no bail he have to serve them years" said Corey
"How long" I said
"30" said Nevaeh "but they change it to 20" she added
I looked at Ashanti
She nodded I looked down
"Don't be sad he got of couple more years left" said Deshawntae
"Okay" I said picking at my food
"Now let's get back on topic I think you should sing I will always love you " said Ashanti
I looked up "Foreal?" I said
"Yes your voice will sound amazing said Ashanti
"Nahh she should do the today music" said Corey
"Right" said Nevaeh
"Noo people will know it right away and will be quick to judge and compare me to the actual singer" I said
"That is facts" said Deshawntae
That's why he's my favorite nobody can't deny now.
They shook their heads with no words.
"I guess I'm singing that" I said getting up "ima call Amaya and tell her" I added
They nodded
"Hurry back cause I have some news" said Nevaeh
She never says that what in the world.
I nodded and walked out
I pulled my phone out and call Amaya .
Amaya ❤👀😍💯
Phone convo
"Hello" answered Amaya
"Hey Amaya" I said
"Wassup girly" said Amaya
"Nothing much umm I'm going to sing I will always love you the talent show" I said
"Ayee turn up" said Amaya
"Lol how's Juney he didn't call me yesterday" I said
"About that he got sick yesterday" said Amaya
I took a shocking breath "What's wrong with him" I said
"High fever and messed up stomach throwing up every hour or so" said Amaya
I grew sad "Poor poor Juney" I said
"Come over" said Amaya
"Why?" I said
"Cause ion know how to take care of a sick person and my mom is at work" said Amaya
"Oh ok Ima come over there do yall need anything" I said
"Nope not at all" said Amaya
"Okay on my way" I said
Phone convo ended
I went back into the kitchen
"You guys I have to make a run " I said
"Where are you going at this time of night" said Ashanti
"Shanti im going to Amayas house" I said
"For" said Ashanti
"For the song I will be back" I said
"Alright 12 you best be back" said Ashanti
"Okayy" I said walking out
I started to knock on the door it open right away
"Finally you made it June is killing me" said Amaya letting me in
"Lol where is he" I said
"In his room follow me" said Amaya walking down the hall
I followed her
We went inside his room it was nicely but crazy decorated.
June looked pale asf.
"Juney are you ok" I said going to his bed
June groaned "Leave me alone" said June
"June its not me its Jadey!" said Amaya
He groaned "Chubby bunny" said June
"Yes its me" I said "Are you ok" I added
"Noo ion feel good" said June
"I can tell" I said "your gonna feel better soon did you take medicine today" I added
He groaned with no words
"No he didn't he refuses to take it" said Amaya
"Let me guess you was trying to give it to him" I said
"Yup" said Amaya
"I don't blame him that shit nasty asf " I said getting it
"Right" said Amaya
"Fr thoe and Juney bearr you gotta get some" I said
He shook his head no
"Yes you gonna take it so you can feel better" I said
"No Jade I'm gonna throw it right back up" said June
"June still take it" I said
"Noo!" said June
I arch my eyebrow " You are going to take this medicine" I said
"No I dont wanna" said June
"Your gonna take it even if I have to get Loco on you" I said pouring it into a cup
"No!" said June loudly
My blood started to boil
That's when things got rough everytime um trying to give it to him He keep moving his head I got on his bed.
"June stop!" I said
"I don't want it" said June acting like a baby
"Okay I'm done 5 mins of this nooo I'm really gonna go loco on ya" I said
June covered his mouth I uncovered it put his hands down and put my leg on it
"Jade noo" said June turning his head
I grabbed his face
He closed his mouth
"Amaya can you hold this" I said handing her the medicine
She got it
I used my other hand to open his mouth.
"Quick" I said
Amaya dump it into his mouth
He made a face
I got up real quick
"This is our time to leave" said Amaya
I nodded
We walked out of his room and went Amayas room.
"Now I think you should sing stay by rihanna instead" said Amaya going to her keyboard.
"Why" I said
"Its a beautiful song" said Amaya
"I know but" I said
"Come on" said Amaya
"Fine I got 30 mins" I said
"Ask her if you can spend a night" said Amaya
"Ion have to ask im telling her" I said sending a text to Ashanti
"Okay" said Amaya
A min later we started
She started to play it on the keyboard
"All along it was a fever a cold sweat hot-headed believer I threw my hands in the air I said show me something he said if you dare come a little closer..." I sang
Its more but who got time for that lol
Poor June!!
Quick update!!
Excuse my mistakes!!!

This is real life Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ