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Jade Pov
I had made it home just in time cause it had started to rain well pour down.
All eyes was on me right away
"Boo" I said taking off my shoes
They shook their heads I was silent.
"Mom off it again" said Deshawntae breaking the silence
I shook my head "Where is she" I said
"In her room halfway off her bed" said Deshawntae
"Omg how many times" I said
"2 or 3 " said Nevaeh
"Okay I had enough we gotta put her in a crazy house or something " I said
"We don't have no money Jade" said Corey twisting his hair
"Nevaeh and Ashanti do!" I said
"This money is for bills,food,and put clothes on yall backs" said Ashanti
That's when all eyes went on Nevaeh
"How the hell you got money?" said Corey
"None of yall damn business" said Nevaeh
"It's our business" said Ashanti
"No it's not" said Nevaeh "So im not telling yall" she added
Deshawntae shook his head "Well I guess we gotta come up with a game plan" said Deshawntae
We looked at him.
"What yall can use yall talents on the streets yall know what them people be doing" said Deshawntae
I nodded in a agreement
"Half of us don't have talents " said Nevaeh
Ashanti and Corey nodded
"So different Idea" said Nevaeh
"I got nothing" said Deshawntae
It was silent once again until we heard a loud ass boom.
I jumped
They jumped off the couch.
"COME ON MANN DAMN!" yelled Corey storming down the hall
Deshawntae and Nevaeh followed
"Should we call them" I said
"We gonna start off with hostipal" said Ashanti pulling out her phone
She walked out.
I decided to go help them out
My mom was a mess
My blood started to boil.
"Got a big ass dent in her arm" said Deshawntae blown
"I'm not bout to deal with this bullshit I'm out" said Corey overly pissed off
He stormed out of the room.
"I'm leaving also" said Nevaeh walking out
I looked at Deshawntae
"Corey might come back and Nevaeh I don't know" said Deshawntae
I nodded "So it's gonna just be me you and Ashanti" I said
Deshawntae nodded "Pretty much" said Deshawntae
The hospital came and picked up my mom.
They said that they gonna put her in something for free since we struggling Ashanti is at work Deshawntae had went somewhere with his friends and I'm out taking a walk even though it's still kind of raining.
"Young blood" I heard behind me
I turned around my eyes widen it was the same guy that tried to kidnap me and Deshawntae.
"No get away from me" I said m backing up
"Nope ain't nobody out here to save you " said The man
Just before I got a chance to run he grabbed me I started to scream. This time he didn't cover my mouth he sticked a needle into me I grew weak right away. I couldn't scream no more He put me down to the ground. I know what was next he was gonna rape me just before he had a chance to.
I heard a click click my vision got blurry my hearing started to fade.
"You dead ass now Nobody fuck with  the blood" I heard
I don't remember what happen I completely blacked out
I woke up , I was in my room safe in sound . I started to question myself. what  happen and how did I get here?
I rubbed my head I felt weak
I slowly got out of bed I started to shake that's when my legs bailed out on me. I ended up falling on my knees
Deshawntae came running in "Jade! get back into bed" said Deshawntae
"Why?" I said
He help me up off the ground I got back into bed.
"Because you don't look good that man did something to you" said Deshawntae
"Stick a needle into me? who brought me here" I said confused
"He want to stay anonymous" said Corey walking in
I looked at him "Tell me" I said
"Fine since he lock up cause somebody call the fucking police on him' said Corey
"Whoo?" I said
"Shoota" said Corey
I didn't believe him Shoota don't like me for nothing
"Shoota?" I said
"Yeah yo ass so lucky he was walking  out on them streets" said Corey
I grew sorry "We gotta get him out!" I said
"I doubt it he getting out right now " said Corey
"What do you mean?" I said
"They deciding what to charge him with 1st degree murder or man slaughter" said Corey
"Damn it" I said
Corey nodded "But they need to see your side of the story" said Corey
"When" I said
"Tommorow at the court house" said Corey
"Oh" I said
"Yeah so be ready" They said
I nodded
That's Corey in the Media!!
They meet again!!
Shoota saved Jade?!!
Quick update!!
Excuse my mistakes!!!

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