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It's going to change to 'The Flight of the Phoenix,' and the book I'll be writing about Civil War will become 'The Fall of the Phoenix.' (Once I've finished the new covers and I'll upload them in a page in this book so you know what they look like).

I have now completed a plan of the best way to set this out and I think I've finally worked it out. My original plan was to have two main books and two short side stories. However, with further thought I've realised that one of those side stories is too important to not put in this book. So the new plan is a trilogy. There will be THREE main books and one side story that is confirmed, however I may right another two so there's one to go with each book.

The chronological order is as follows (side stories included):

Book 1: The Rise of the Phoenix. Complete!
Captain America: The First Avenger and Agent Carter: Season 1.
The origin story of how Alexis came to be the Phoenix.
A slight change to the end of this book may be needed, but nothing important, just a change of words in the epilogue so it can continue on to its side story smoothly.

Side Story 1: The Ashes of the Phoenix. Is not confirmed, but likely to happen!
Agent Carter: Season 2, maybe 3.
The immediate aftermath of Lexi leaving. She stayed in contact with Peggy, but her alone. She's in hiding until her best friend asks a favour of her. Might lead into season 3 if the show is renewed. If not, Jack's death will be written out and it will conclude at the end of Season 2. Her part won't be large so even though it sounds like a long book it won't be.

Book 2: The Flight of the Phoenix. In progress!
I'm sorry about the title change, but I didn't know I would be doing more and this makes more sense for the material.
The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
The Initiation of her becoming an Avenger and that position being established. I won't say any more for spoiler reasons.

Side Story 2: The Fire/Feathers of the Phoenix (Still playing with titles). Confirmed!
The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Another establishment of her role in the Avengers and the recruitment of more members of the team.
Relationship establishments and bonding mostly. It makes the pain that is to come in Civil War that much more worse, isn't that wonderful.

Book 3: The Fall of the Phoenix. Currently being planned!
Captain America: Civil War is a definite, but it may lead into others like Thor: Ragnarok, The Avengers: Infinity War, etc. I don't know yet. Those movies are a long way off and I will obviously need to know how Civil Wars Ends (in heartbreak no doubt).

Side Story 3: The Fire/ Feathers of the Phoenix (Still playing with titles). Is not confirmed!
Could cover Thor: Ragnarok, The Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther, Doctor Strange or it could just be a peaceful concluding chapter with no actual battles. I don't know yet.

Side Stories should not be compulsory reads!

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