Order 69

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I looked around. About 10000 people were marching to Greyhouse. The were brainwashed customers of Elena's company. They had organic chips in their brains which made they mind submissive to procedures Plagueis demanded. They were coming with only three targets. Me, Anastasia and Luke.
- You have to get a little time for me to contact Republic Senate. - Luke started briefing – Christian you will take my father's lightsaber .Anastasia, can you shot?
- Yes. My stepfather taught me. - She replied.
- Here is blaster for you, a plasma gun.- he said. - Now go and may the Force be with us.
We went forward to steps of Greyhouse.
- Shoot to kill Ana. - I ordered – Chemicals injected by chips destroyed their brains. Death is better fate than being a zombie.
- Acknowledged Sir – she replied.
- Let's the party begin – I shout and jumped between enemies and decapitated two of them. Anastasia provided covering fire and I cut through them. It was sad to kill them but there wasn't any other way.It was the only way to free them from Elena's bonds. UnfortunatelyF-22 Raptors arrived. They shoot missiles, which turned out to be cluster munition. Hundreds of Plagueis' slaves were burning and screaming around us. Situation was hopeless.
- Luke, we won't hold a line any longer. We have to retreat! - I shouted through comlink – How long until reinforcements arrival?
- They've got a problem with the First Order and can send only one ship. Oh, and wewill have to board on our own. - he replied – Have you got any aircraft here?
- No. We are lost. - I surrendered. We were surrounded, USAF was trying to blow us up and I was able to sense Elena's arrival. It was over. - There is no hope.
- Christian.Your glider. -Anastasia interrupted.
- You must be kidding. - I was surprised by her idiotic idea - There are three squadrons ofF-22s airborne. They will shoot us down before we take off.
- It may be stupid idea. - Luke added – But it's idea at least. Retreat and we will evac.
- But there are only two seats. – I tried to stop those fools.
- I will cover your back. - Luke answered. -This Jedi still know some tricks. It's settled then you go to Millennium Falcon

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