Who is this "He"

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A/N: This is in Harry's point of view. I could add smut or I could keep it fluffy. That's all up to you. Also, this is my first story so yeah!

A few months after mourning Cedric's death and everything was back to normal. However, I still felt awful. It was the saddest moment in my life. I would say second if I remembered my parent's death. I moved on from that though. Soon, the Weasley twins noticed how upset and disgusted I still was and went up to me. "'Ello Harry!" One said. I predicted it being George cause he's always the one who says something first. "Hey." I said. I ate a bit of treacle tart but looked away from them. "Is that incident still bothering you?" The other asked. I shrugged. "Harry, you need to let it go. You have other friends and that's why we devised a plan." Now I knew that was George. "You, us, Ron, Hermione, and others are going on a road trip over Spring break." Fred said with pride. "And others?" I asked. "Who else do you want us to bring? We already have one in mind." George said. "Could Ginny come or is she the other in mind?" I asked. "She isn't the other in mind. So she can come." George said. "Who is the other in mind?" I asked. They both kept silent but had satisfied smirks on their faces. I got extremely impatient. "Come on guys... Who is it?" I asked. I swear if it was Cho Chang everything would get awkward. "You'll have to wait!" Fred said. "Be lucky he said yes." George said. "He?" I asked. Who is he? Could they be tricking me? "Oops~ I mean they~" George said with a snicker. I ate a bit of mashed potatoes and swallowed. "You have to tell me now!" I said. They laughed. "Sorry Harry! But it has to be a surprise." George said. I groaned and that's when I realized that Hermione and Ron were gone. I looked around and then sighed. That's right! They were in the library studying. I guess they knew about the road trip already. Whatever, I need to find out who the person is or I might just go mad. A little bit of following people won't be a problem right?

Road Trip (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora