Let's Go

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After a while of sitting in the hospital wing; I felt better. Draco stared at me for a bit. "Wanna leave now? We have to go in 20 minutes." He said. I nodded. "Let's go." I stood up quickly. "Careful now..." He said and got up, slowly unlike me. It felt odd. He was actually being extremely caring for me. 'Maybe I should've given him another chance in first year.' I thought. He stood in front of me and put his hands in my hair. I held my breath and stood still. I had no idea what he was doing until he pulled out Bobby pins. He smiled and put them in his pocket. We walked out together. People looked at us and started to whisper. "Ugh, Rita." He grumbled and took my hand. I looked down at our hands the whole time as we walked to the Gryffindor common room. "Get your stuff. My stuff is already in the car." He said. I nodded and looked at the lady in the painting. "Password?" She asked. "Dragon Scales." I said, quietly, and walked in. I got my stuff, quickly, and walked out. I looked at Malfoy as he looked back at me. I was having one of those trance moments again. He walked over to me. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded as he smiled and turned away. It felt like everything was in slow motion and I couldn't move. All I could do was stare. I wanted to walk over to him and hug him. I wanted I thank him but I was in a deep trance. When I got out of said trance we were close. I was holding him, hugging him. "Thank you." I whispered. He looked at me in a bit of confusion. "For caring about my well-being." I said. His arms were wrapped around my neck. I could feel his heartbeat against mine. "I..." He began. His heartbeat was relatively fast. He tried pulling away but I didn't let him. I held him closer. I needed this hug to last a long time. I was quite surprised he didn't push me away. "Harry..." He said. "No. Please, let this last." I whispered. I didn't care if the paintings stared at us. "We have to go soon." He said. "I know." I said. He pushed me away and as soon as he did there was a flash. It was Rita again. "A little less love from Malfoy. What a shame." She said. He scoffed and ran downstairs. I sighed and looked to where Rita was. She was gone. I took my bags and walked downstairs, alone. I don't know where Draco went but I hope he wasn't as angry as he was when Rita took that photo. I kept walking down the steps and walked over to Ron. "Hey Ron." I said. "Finally!" He said. He sounded impatient. "The car is just outside." He said I nodded and walked out the front doors. I put my bags in the trunk. I saw Malfoy sitting in the very back. His face was full of anger. I don't know what I did. Maybe he just isn't the hug type or he just doesn't want those photos to get out. I can completely understand that last one. I got in the car and sat next to him. He better loosen up for this trip. Ron, Ginny, and Hermione sat in the second row while Fred and George were in the front seats. "You kids ready?" George asked as I buckled up. We all, but Malfoy, screamed "YEAH!" With that, we were up in the air driving along. I looked at Draco. I felt worried. Why did I feel so worried about him?

Rita you bitch.

Road Trip (Drarry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon