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I slept for a while until someone woke me up. It was Draco and he looked petrified. "What's wrong?" I asked. He was silent and just kept getting closer to me. I checked the time. The clock said 12:47 am. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Draco to make him feel safe. "What's wrong?" I repeated. "There was someone outside your window." He whispered, shaking a bit. "It was probably one of the residents here getting curious." I whispered back. "Why would they put their hand on the glass though?" He asked. I shrugged. His heart beat was quick. I sighed and held him closer. I held him like that until I got some closure. It finally happened when Draco's heart beat slowed down and he was asleep. I fell right to bed afterwards. I woke up before him and when I did I looked around. Everyone was gone and we were at a place called "Eat N Park." "Mornin." Someone said. I looked at them; it was George. He had an amused smirk on his face. "Oh, Hey." I said, sitting upright. "You must've had an interesting night." George joked. I groaned. "Not really." I said. "Well, come on into the restaurant. We've been waiting for a while." George said. "Oh, and wake up your boyfriend while you're at it!" He said. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled, wanting to throw something at him but nothing was near. He laughed and walked off. I rolled my eyes and shook Draco awake. "Draco!" I said. Draco opened his eyes a bit. "Hm?" He asked and looked at me. "Time for breakfast." I said. He sat up and yawned. He didn't talk at all. He got up and walked out of the car. I watched him for a bit and got out as well. I shut the car door and walked into the restaurant. I sat next to Draco and looked at him for a bit before looking at the others. Ron was fast asleep on the table and Ginny was making sure water, that she sucked up, stayed in the straw. I eyed her for a bit. She spat the water at Ron, who immediately woke up. He wiped his face. "Ew that's disgusting!" He said. We all laughed except Ron. Ron just groaned and put his head in his hand. Soon the waitress came and ,like always, one of the twins flirted with her. She actually got flustered unlike the other girl. The other girl hit the both of them, laughed, and then took our orders. I guess people from New Jersey are a lot different than people from Pennsylvania. I looked back at Draco. George was smirking the whole time. After our breakfast, which was quite uneventful and quiet, we got back into the car and headed out for Centralia again. "Why are we going back there?" Draco asked. "Because we haven't explored yet!" George said. Hermione grinned. "YAY!" She squealed. Draco sighed. "Fine." He looked distressed but I was the only one to notice. We got there, soon enough, and he seemed more unnerved. It was most likely because of the incident that happened last night. I sighed as we walked around. Draco and I were just a bit farther from the crowd. It was the perfect opportunity to actually talk to him. The only conversation we had was last night and we've been out here for days. I looked at him. "Hey." I said. He looked at me. "Oh... Hi." He said. "So how are you? You seem tense." I said. "Maybe I am but it shouldn't really concern you." He said. "Is it because of last night?" I asked. He shrugged. "Maybe..." I sighed. He wasn't really being honest with me. "So um..." I looked at him. "We... Never really talked about what happened in New Jersey." I said. "Well there was a lot of things that happened in New Jersey so you're gonna have to be more specific." He said. He didn't look at me. "At the gas station... Ginny walked in on us." I said. "Oh, that." He said. "That meant nothing." He said. "Are you sure? I mean-" I was cut off. "I've never been more sure, Potter." He said. I opened my mouth to say something. "We're getting farther away from the crowd. We need to get closer." He said and walked quicker. I squinted. Was he ignoring me? I walked quicker to the group. I sighed and looked away. Whatever. I don't need his approval to keep going in life.

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