Our Final Destination

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Our last destination, a motel in Oregon. We were all pretty upset that it was almost over. However, I couldn't get over what Draco had said during my confession. 'How late was I? Was I really, really late? WAS I THAT OBLIVIOUS?' All of these thoughts piled up into my head until I got a migraine. Was I really in love with Draco? 'He's pretty and all but.. he hated you. At least that's what you thought...' I sighed and looked over at a sleeping, slightly damp Draco. I smiled a bit and looked at George who was at the wheel. I saw that we were going to a gas station. He saw that I was the only one awake. "Hey, Harry, wanna come in with me?" He asked. I nodded and got out of the car. Gas stations always smelled odd to me. They smell like rotten food mixed with cold air. "Do you have a crush on you-know-who?" George asked with a smirk. "WHAT? EW NO! He's bald and extremely old!" I said in disgust. George laughed. "No, no! I mean Draco, you idiot." George said. "Oh..." I said. 'Well, I'm an idiot.' I thought. I looked out at the car while George was getting candy. "Well?" George asked. "Do you like muggle candy?" I whispered, completely dodging his question. "It doesn't taste any different from ours, actually." He said. "Now answer my question!" I groaned. "Okay, maybe a little crush. Why do you want to know anyway?" I asked. "Well, the way you look at him is a lot different from a year or even month ago. It's not like I'm gonna judge you anyway. Fred and I planned all of this anyway." George said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Ah, yes! Planned it with Draco too. He was so desperate. We had to calm him down." George said. "Tell me the whole story." I said. I was confused. I thought Draco got rid of his feelings for me. "Two years ago, he wanted advice. We were all secret friends. We said when we got our driving license we would take everyone out on a road trip." He said. "He got a bit angry and we had to calm him down. He said he'd be impatient and probably force his feelings away. Draco is what we like to call a drama queen." George said. I looked at him in disbelief. "He was your friend and you never told me?" I asked. "Well, yeah. If we did... Then... all of this news would get out. Sorry to say this but if something gets out with you, I will be everywhere. His father isn't too fond of you, Harry." George said. I sighed as we walked out. "Wait..." I said as he filled up the gas tank. "What is it?" George asked. "What if I can't have Draco because of his stupid father?" I asked. "We are all gonna hope for the best. What's the worst that could happen?" He asked. "He could get killed..." I muttered. George sighed. "Become a secret couple... Just hope Rita doesn't get anymore photos of you and Draco." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He put the gas pump back and walked over to the driver seat. He rummaged through some stuff and gave me a whole bunch of newspapers from the wizarding world. I sat back in my seat and buckled up. I stayed up all night reading the newspapers. All of it was assumptions that Draco and I hooked up. My favorite article was on the second page; it was titled "Rita, a lunatic?" Something about that article made it feel like Lucius done something with it. If he did do that, it would be the only good thing he has ever done. I looked over at Draco, who was waking up slowly. I quickly sat on the newspapers. He smiled when he saw me. I was heavily flustered and grinned back; all he did was laugh. I couldn't blame him, I probably looked very suspicious. "You're adorable." He muttered and looked outside. "We are already in Oregon?" He asked in disbelief. "Are we just getting a hotel and that's that?" Ron asked. I didn't even know he was awake. "No, we are going to the international rose test garden!" Fred said with anticipation. "What the heck is that?" I asked. "It's a garden in Portland that has 7,000 rose plants." Fred said. "There are about 550 different rose plants there too." George said. "Awesome! I can't wait to learn about them all!" Hermione said. "Are we allowed to pick some roses?" Draco asked. "Not sure, but I wouldn't." Fred said. "That sounds like a challenge." Draco said with a smirk. "Don't even try it, Malfoy." Ginny said with a glare. "Fine. Not like anyone is gonna notice one is gone." Draco said. I chuckled as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. "Wanna share a room?" Draco asked me. I nodded without hesitating. Ron looked mad, not only did he still have sunburn but he had to share a room with the twins again. Luckily, this time we all had separate beds. We quickly got unpacked. Draco was quick at unpacking and packing. He was probably five minutes ahead of me. I felt him stare at me the whole time. "Well, do you still want to talk about that whole confession thing?" He asked. I looked over at him. "Now?" I asked. "What? Is this less romantic for you now because we aren't on a boat or something?" Draco asked. "We can't jut drop the subject like it never ever happened, Harry." He said. "Okay, Okay... I get it." I said. "But, what should we even talk about?" I asked. "Well, for starters, you could tell me how this all happened." Draco said. I gulped and stood up. "Well, I fell in love with you near the middle of this trip." I said. "Do you know how?" Draco asked. I shrugged. "Something drew me to you..." I said. He sighed and sat on his bed. "Well, what do you like about me?" He asked. I stared at him. "Am I supposed to know?" I asked. "Yeah? There has to be something, anything?" Draco said. "Fine! I like," I started. "If you say anything about my looks, I'll punch you." He said. I groaned. "Okay... jeez." I said. He smiled at me. He seemed to be happy that I was confused. "Let me think about this more!" I said and face planted on the bed. He chuckled. "Do you really have nothing? Are you sure you even like me?" He asked. "I do! I really, really do!" I said. "Then tell me!" He said. He was getting more agitated. "I can't! This is pressure!" I whined. "So, there is nothing?" He asked. "I will tickle you if you don't leave me alone." I hissed. "Oh~ So, threatening." He teased. I just glared at him. "What about you?" I asked. "I have had a major crush on you in year one and two. I liked how oblivious you were." He said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You're oblivious and I can easily manipulate that. It means you'll be so much more fun to hang around." He said. "So, I'm just a puppet?" I asked, slightly offended. "Of course I'm not gonna use it to my advantages  only for pranks or surprise birthdays." He said. "The only thing I don't like about you is how much you're such a hypocrite." He frowned and crossed him arms. "It kind of makes you stupid." He said. "How am I a hypocrite?" I asked. "Well,  you're all about no prejudice and then you become prejudice against Slytherins." He said. "Cause Slytherins are evil!" I said. "Am I evil?" He asked. "You just said you'd manipulate me." I groaned. "For simple pranks like what the twins do. They manipulated you to come here." He said. "You didn't know I'd be here until the last second!" He said. "Fine. I won't be prejudice against Slytherins." I said. "Good, you were supposed to be a Slytherin anyways." He said. He seemed content now. There was a knock at the door. I huffed and stood up. I opened the door. "Wh-" "We are leaving for the Rose Test Garden at 3 pm, George wanted me to inform you." Hermione said. "Oh, what time-" "2 pm, we are eating lunch before then so meet us in the cafeteria downstairs." She said. "Okay. Are we going to eat now?" I asked. "Yes, so, hurry up!" She said. I nodded and closed the door. "We have to eat lunch now." I said. "I heard." Draco said and stood up. I glared at him and took his wrist. "We aren't going anywhere." I hissed. "But I'm hungry. Calm down." He said. I huffed and pinned him to the bed. "What are you-" was the only thing he could get out until I started to tickle him like a crazy psycho. He started to laugh and laugh and tried kicking me. "Stop it!" He cried out. I shook my head with a grin. "Not until you say you love me!" I said. "THAT'S BLACKMAIL!" He laughed. "Aw, come on!~" I said. "Just say it and you'll be free~" He kept laughing. "OKAY OKAY!" He said. He slightly stopped so he could get air. He was panting. "I love you... are you happy?" He asked. "Very!~" I said cheerfully. I got up off of him. He smiled at me. "Let's go!~" I said. He got up and ran out. "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" He yelled. I started running. We were running at the same speed. One of us passed the other from time to time. Until someone told us to stop running. Draco was mad and wanted to curse the male but I convinced him not to. "I was gonna win too!" He said with a pout. "You're so full of yourself." I said. "And you aren't?" He asked. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. He smirked as we walked into the cafeteria. 'Asshole.' I thought as we sat down near the table everyone was at. We quickly ordered out food. Ron had most of the pay check while Hermione had the opposite. Draco had the most expensive while the twins shared their food. Ginny and I got the simplest out of the menu. Draco stared at me most of the time while I tried to enjoy my meal. He ate his surprisingly fast, as if he had no care in the world. I looked at the other who were done. They were chatting about how Hermione was a nerd. Ginny was the only one praising her "nerdiness." I sighed and listened. "Well, at least she knows what to do." Draco pitched in. Everyone seemed to go dead silent, except the twins who were snickering. "You fancy Hermione, Malfoy?" Ron hissed. "Um, no." Draco said. "Your sister is also on Hermione's side, would you ask her if she liked Hermione?" Draco asked. "I guess not." Ron said. Draco smiled a bit. "It's just," Draco's smiled ceased to exist when Ron started to speak again. "seeing you stand up for Hermione was the last thing I'd expect out of you." He said. "I'll come over there and slap you." Draco said hastily. "Okay, okay. Have it your way, Malfoy." Ron said. "My name is Draco." Draco hissed. "Okay, Draco." Ron snapped back. "Harry can you hurry up with your food before I devour it whole?" Draco said in annoyance. I nodded and ate my food quickly. The twins paid for the food as we walked to the car. "Ron," I whispered. "Maybe you should apologize." "Apologize for what?" He asked. "You hurt his feelings." I said. "And? He hurt mine a long time ago and never apologized to me!" He said. "That was a long time ago! Plus, he's obviously changed for the better. Now is not the time to keep grudges." I whispered. "Well, Mr. Nice guy, what should I do?" He asked. "I think it's fitting to give him flowers." Hermione whispered. "Hey! Don't listen to this conversation!" Ron whispered. "I agree with Hermione." I whispered. "It would make me seem like I fancy him though!" He said. "That is, if it's red roses." I said. He sighed. "Fine. I'll get him flowers." He said. I grinned and gave him money. He groaned as I sat down on my seat. I buckled up and looked at Draco who was very, very mad. I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled a bit. He sighed and slightly smiled back. We got to the International Rose Test Garden and got out. "Okay! Listen up! Draco and Harry go their own way. That is all. No one join them." George said. Fred laughed a bit. Draco crossed his arms in a sassy way and glared at them. Hermione and Ginny nodded while Ron was completely oblivious as to why. "Alright! Let's go!" I said. I walked over to Fred and whispered, "Make sure Ron gets flowers for Draco." I walked off as Fred gave me the thumbs up. Draco followed close behind. I took his hand as we walked. "I know what I like about you." I said. "Oh, you do?" He asked. "I like how we can balance out each other nicely and are utter opposites. I love how you're clever and smart. I love your snarky comments because they always make me laugh. I really love everything, basically." I said. He looked at me. "You like the snarky comments that made you hate me last year?" He asked. "Well, now I know you never meant a word you said." I said. He chuckled. "Anything about my appearance?" He asked. "Don't even get me started. I mean it, don't." I said. He chuckled. "Well, tell me the main thing." He said. "Your body." I said. "I'm sorry. That sounds weird." I said, nervously. "No, go on. I want to hear this." He said. "Your body is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. This might sound weird and lustful but... it's like I can slip my hands where ever I want." I said. He was completely flustered. "Are you in lust with me or are you in love with me?" He asked. "Love. I love you. I just don't want to be the sappy, 'oh, I love our eyes,' or 'oh, I love your smile!' You know?" I said. He nodded. "I get it. You don't want to be cheesy. However, I find cheesy to be cute and charming." He said. "You are the cheesiest person I have ever met." He said. "Does that mean you love me?" I asked. He sighed but smiled. "Okay, fine. I find you to be very charming and adorable so why not?" He said. I gasped with joy and kissed him then and there. I never realized how soft and smooth his lips were until this moment. He pulled away which made me pout. He chuckled. "Do you think we should go back now?" He asked. "We barely got to see any of the roses!" I protested. He nodded and took my hand. We looked at every single rose and their different types. He seemed to really like the Antoine Rivoire. I was tempted to buy one for him. However, I gave all of my money to Ron. I sighed while looking at the Antione. I took his hand and we ventured off again. Soon, it became 5 pm and we were exhausted. We found our group again. Ron looked mad. "Hey, M-... Draco." Ron said. Draco glared at him and crossed his arms. Ron sighed. "I'm sorry and to say I'm sorry... I got you some flowers...." Ron pouted. He seemed to hate his life at the moment and it only made me laugh harder when he brought out the bouquet of... Antione Rivoire roses... I stopped laughing and stared at the bouquet like my own life just ended. Draco grinned and took the bouquet. "How did you know these were my favorite?" He asked. Ron shrugged. "I saw you staring at those flowers more than the others. I mean, it's common sense." He said. Draco smiled. "Why thank you, Ron." He said. "I accept your apology... for now." He said. Ron seemed offended with his mouth slightly open and his eyes squinted. Draco walked over to the car while I walked over to Ron. "Really, Ron? Antione Rivoire roses? I was gonna get him that." I said. "Hey, you told me to get him some flowers so I did. Plus, these roses aren't red!" He said and gave me my change back. I stuck it into my pocket and got into the car. We quickly got back to the hotel and ate dinner. I could feel myself getting sunburn and it didn't help that Draco was fawning over Ron's gift. As we all got into our rooms, it was getting really dark out. Draco had gotten a shower before me and put the roses in a vase. I wanted to smash that vase into a million pieces. As Draco got out of the shower, I got in. I stared at the wall and took deep breaths. There is no way in hell I am getting jealous of this. I sighed. 'You can't be jealous of Ron... You know Draco loves you. He'll probably show it as soon as you get out of the shower.' I thought. After my shower, and getting ready for bed, I saw that the beds got connected. "Did you do that?" I asked Draco. He nodded. "We'll change it back in the morning." He said. "We should get some sleep." He said. I nodded and laid down. "You locked the door right?" I asked. He nodded. "Why?" "Just asking... Do you love me?" I asked. "Of course." he said. "Goodnight." He said. "Can I have a good nights kiss?~" I teased. He chuckled and kissed me. "Now, goodnight." He said. "Good night." I said. 'I have nothing to worry about.' I thought. 'Yeah, an evil sorcerer is out to kill me and all... but at least I got the best road trip of my life.' I thought.


Oh my! Sorry that took forever. It's totally my fault. I procrastinate a lot, you see. Here have a long chapter. More fanfics coming soon!


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