Oh Bloody Hell

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I've followed the twins for month and let me just say that nothing out of the ordinary happened. I mean they had a run in with Malfoy but that was an accident. It's like... They knew I was following them. They alway whispered to a piece of paper. It turned huge and they'd look at it with a snicker. It was odd but I didn't think much of it but I should've. A few days had passed and I was eating dinner. Ron sat in front of me. He stared at me and I blinked back. "Why are you following my brothers?" He asked. I swallowed some of my food. "I just... I just got curious alright?" I said. "There's nothing to be curious about! I know my brothers! They pick the best people." He said. "So you know who it is?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not a clue." He said. "How many days until Spring break?" I asked. "3." He said in response. Hermione sat next to him. I looked at her. "Do you know who else is coming on the Road trip?" I asked. She shook her head with a sigh. "I don't trust them either." She said. Ron glared. "They're perfectly fine!" He said. "Did you not see the look on their faces? They're obviously planning something mischievous." She said. I kept eating, watching the argument. "Did you know the person was a he?" I asked. They shook their heads. "It could be Neville or something." Ron said. "They wouldn't be all weird about it! They'd just tell us! After all, Neville is a good friend of ours." I protested. "Well why don't we start from there." Ron said. I raised a brow. "It can't be Seamus, Oliver, Neville, Dean... Maybe the person isn't even in Gryffindor." Ron said. "They'd tell us if they were." He said. "You're absolutely right!" Hermione said and slightly cringed at the sound of telling Ron he was right. Ron smirked with pride but shook his head. "But anyway..." He said. "It can't be a Gryffindor or a girl." He said. "Who is the first person who comes to mind?" He asked. We all went silent. We were all out of ideas. However, I had a thought. The thought was ghastly but I just really wanted to think it was Malfoy. I mean it would make sense. The casual bump ins, him being a guy, not being in Gryffindor, and the twins being so mischievous about it. My eyes widened and looked at them. "Malfoy." I whispered. Ron and Hermione were looking up but not at me. It was above me. "Can't get me out of your head can you, Scarhead?" Someone asked. I looked behind me to see Draco and his dumb, fake blonde head.

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