"Just Give Her A Break!"

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It's Bad enough I can't stand my dad Thats why I try to be as nice as possible to him. Jacob doesn't know me he doesn't know shit about me ! My dad works at a jail house he beats me & he fucks me just for the fun and pleasure of it! Thats right I get twice the beatings for no damn reason and raped! Do I look like a fucking Barbie doll I just can't wait Untill that day when my little Barbie doll head finally snaps right off! End of story

Back At Jacob House

Ahhh so what do I do tommorow I have to think of something but I feel like messing with the bitch tonight. Oh yes!, perfect Jacob knows exactly what to do how about a unexpected drop by....... Only not at my house I chuckled evilly. I know you think I'm a real dumbass for still hating on the chick but HELL YES I am a grieving blexican child and I won't stop Untill I think she's had enough.

She just doesn't understand what she did to me she traumatized my entire childhood. Its like she doesnt even know who I am and the look on her dumbfounded face makes me punch her harder. How could you not remember me!?All I think about is what happened to me do you know what it feels like to wake up everyday and being laughed at, cursed at, getting shit throwed at you, getting my head slammed in a locker for NOTHING absolutely nothing

I rose from my bed looking in the mirror at myself and laughed

I Want that Coward too suffer!

Jacob's mom came busting through the room her hair was all over the place and a needle was sticking from her arm

What was that Jacob?

Ma it was the radio gosh what do you want!!

She looked down a little but like it didnt phase her one bit

Fine Jacob a-all I wanted to do was try to be closer to yo-

Mom! Just Stop I'm fine

What happened Mího we used to be like this she barely crossed her fingers, I remember w-when you used to tell me everything it's like you forgot about me she looked at me with her red eyes screaming for sleep

Well mom that's In the past I'm older now dont expect me to tell you everything I just wanna do me alone

What do you mean Alone you, you have me

Mom that's it you have reached your limit. I've tried and tried not to come in after school an not cuss your ass out but you just don't get it do you!? It's not like you gave a fuck whether I tell you shit or not, me and you have BEEN done a long time ago. Everytime I tried to come to you, you either tell me your doing something or your on the phone. Your crackhead ass never cared about me. EVER! I had the biggest problem in the entire world but you didn't give an ounce of fuck so now that's exactly how I feel about you. I GOT BULLIED MOM! All through Elementary yea you asked me what happened but thats it! You do nothing but smoke, do drugs its your life. How could you expect me to tell you anything you didnt care then and im sure you might care now but NOW I DONT! Nd you wonder why everytime you say you love me I just say bye

I slammed the door and left my house. I'm sick of this same old crap everyday it's about time she learned her lesson I'm soo tired of being the one looking like a fool all the time and it only makes me more Angry all because of that one girl if it wasn't for her maybe my childhood wouldn't be scarred, maybe my life wouldn't be so fucked up as it is. Like I said she made me who I am today

I called up the boys and told them what the plan was

20 minutes later

We were all standing outside of Leilanie's door smirking except Craig like usual

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