A Friend

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Leilanie POV
I was having a good ass time at the party, Niggas was dancing with me and everything for once I had fun in my life, this is the first I've been to in a longggg time. But I was getting thirsty so I walked over to the snacks table to get some punch. I reached my hand out to the spoon thingy and I accidentally touched someone. My head flew up

"Sorry about that you first" I said

But my impression changed quickly when I saw who it was

Oh ... It's you I spat angrily

"Why do I have a feeling you hate to see me Jacob chuckled"

"Why let me clarify some shit up for you rich boy I don't like you matter of fact I hate you were ever born, you always bully me and you'll do anything to see me pissed or hurt so that's exactly why your face isn't pleasing to me" I Looked at him as my anger rose

*Jacob* Calm down Nerd you don't wanna start something you can't finish nd I definitely don't like the fact that you classified me as a rich boy I'm regular your just low income bitch let's get that straight

*Leilanie* Actually my dads a retired worker in the navy and a police officer so I gets the pay Thankyou very much

Wow yo pappy's hustling huh? what happened to you how come you don't flex your name brand now you sure didn't have a problem along time ago he mumbled the last part

The hell are you talking about she filled her cup with juice

"Oh nothing carry on fellow geek but don't think your off the hook since you feel free to speak your mind tonight be ready tomorrow .... You know what I'm talking about too so don't play dumb" Jacob smiled innocently and left me at the table

"Don't play dumb? What is this Oreo talking about now?Jordin asked walking up behind me"

Nothing important he's just being the bitch he grew up like I walked away from the table back into the crowd

Whatever, Jordin shook it off going back to the section of wild banshee twerkers

2 hours later
Party's Over!!! Everybody out Club Vain is closing in 5 let's go niggers!

*Tyrin* Yo B! Imma holla at you later hit me up when u got a spot open for me

"No problem Lil homie I'll make sure I get you on the billboards by next year, keep yo grinding man" The Dj chanted

I smiled at him while walking out the club with the rest of the people

*Leilanie* What spot?

Oh he chuckled I spit some mean rap an my flow tight so I'm tryna focus on that as my career you know I majored in poetry duh

" Well I'm only in the 12th grade plus I wanna hear you rap one day because I can sing maybe we should hookup by that I mean in the year of 2040"

*Tyrin* Hookup?2040? You sound like we making an arrangement to fuck but Naww lil Pretty my dick gonna be old and saggy by that time

Woah!! Mike yelled "Y'all talking bout some major explicit stuff to be on a topic of rapping"

That's him I was talking about a song but this pedophile has his own mind Leilanie laughed

Alright y'all imma call you Naomi dapped Tyrin & Jordin

*Mike* Oh I see how it is Y'all just gonna leave the Chocolate all alone well fuck you then Naomi we suppose to be partners in crime y'all some shady niggas

Bye Mike! Naomi yelled then we both got in the car driving home

Trying not to get caught me & Naomi climbed up into our own separate windows leading to our rooms. It was dark in the room so I couldn't see I turned on the light....

Home late I see? My dad turned around in my computer chair

I shook at his words he scared me half way to death

Father I was

Shutup This instant! his violent hand swished across my face

I fell to the floor and felt the sting rise

My father wasn't a really scary looking person but he stood around 5'9 and his voice was weirdly Deep. His skin was caramel brown with a mustache and tattoos covered his arms. Sounds like a regular cute guy but this was my father and I didn't think of it like that at all it's a disgrace.

You disobeyed me, now you'll be punished. I promise you I'm gonna make you feel like you ran 7 miles in 1 minute I'm gonna brake your insides and make you have a permanent limp

Strip now!!!

I started to cry but immediately I got slapped in the face again this time harder

"Oh you shut that shit up now!! You weren't crying when I told you not to go anywhere now it's 11:00 at night and I need to be pleasured"

I took off all my clothes thank god I wore makeup to cover up all those bruises so he wouldn't see. Father would be furious that someone was causing them and not him

Aww now bring your body to papi he smiled

I cried silently and looked at him in horror

His hands traveled down my back and feeling all over me, his hand slid to my part as he stuck a finger in

Ooh nice and wet I see I cause that don't I? my father spoke

"No bitch My pussy is always like this Tf is it supposed to be dry like the Sahara my head thought"

Answer me Slut!!! His hands wrapped around my neck squeezing hard

I gasped for breath "Yes father you cause it"

That's what I thought! He picked me up and slammed me on the bed then he ran out for a second and came back in with rope

What are you doing I cried!!!

I didn't tell you to speak my lovely daughter don't worry it won't hurt at least not the ropes he chuckled tying my wrist to the bed

"let me fucking go I'm your daughter you no pussy having, lonely piece of shit!!"

Bam a fist this time popped me square in the face. From this point on I was going to be quiet. The pain hurt badly I cried and cried hoping for someone to help me

He spread my legs wide and dove right in licking and fingering me. I tried my best to make no sounds I hated this why is my life like this? He licked in circles while kissing my thighs I arched my back and bit my lip trying to avoid the moans that were about to come out.

Don't hold it in moan for me mami!!

I bit my lip harder every time he licked and sucked my clit. Tears running down my face I felt Disgusting fucking my own father.

I said moan!! Fine then suit yourself Baby girl he dropped his boxers while smiling at me I swung my legs closed begging him to go away but he grabbed some More rope and tied my feet together

Without warning he rammed his big d*ck inside of me

Ahhhhh! I cried as he pushed in and out of me nastily. He rammed harder in me and I couldn't hold my moans any longer Uhhh Stop please!! His head flew back in pleasure. He rubbed my clit as he pushed slowly then faster inside me I was about to reach my climax

Father!! Your hurting me please!!

Moan my name Hoe!!

I bit my lip hard as his pace sped up making me lose control

He placed his hands back around my neck and squeezed "I said moan my name call me daddy!! He grunted still ramming in & out"

I began to choke Daddy!!!!! My head flew back as I reached my climax and felt the hot liquids fill the condom. My face was covered in tears and my body ached from head to toe he pulled out, untied me and smirked

"Nice pussy Babygirl keep it up, next time if you shut your mouth you wouldn't get slapped as many times, your lucky I didn't let you ride"

He chuckled and slammed my door

I slid my clothes back on and hid my face in my knees rocking back and forth "I'm Disgusting, nasty, filthy I just had sex with my own father"

I cried all night until I fell asleep

[Morning With Jacob]

I rose from my bed spreading out my arms and like the other days I chuckled softly "Just Another day of Payback huh? Yes, yes it is" I flipped the sheets off not really wanting to get up from my cold,soft white sheets. But I did anyways and went straight to the shower.

After getting out I dried myself and threw on a White & Orange Abercrombie & fitch shirt a bleach/dye jean jacket, dark ripped jeans, and orange converse to top it all off. Usually I don't wear shirts with these brands but I don't feel like throwing shit together. I ruffed my hair some and slid my cool shades on.

"What can I say Jacob you really have changed" I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs. While I walked into the kitchen I noticed a note sitting on the counter. I grabbed it and read

[~Deer Jacob I will bee gone 4 a wile. Maybe a long wile. I have sum bussines 2 take care of but alwayz remembr I luv u Jacob]

I glanced at the bottom of the note and saw some money taped to it. My eyes widened as I counted it ........$20,000 where in the hell was I gonna spend that much money?! How long is she gonna be gone. Look at this ... My own mom abandoned me too just like my dad. Am I that bad! A tear rolled down my face but I wiped it fast remembering I don't give a shit about anything anymore. I don't give a fuck if she's not here, she doesn't care about me anyways.

I smiled devilishly and opened my front door. Right before I opened the door of my Loud Red jeep a random light-skin man dressed in a Fancy black suit and brown suitcase tapped my shoulder

"Are you Jacob...Jacob Perez?"

"Who am I speaking too" I spat

"To tell you the truth it doesn't matter about me what we should be worrying about is your matter sir" he looked at me plainly

"Look I'm Jacob Perez and what exactly do you want I don't have all day"

"Well Mr.Perez I have some good news" he smiled

"look your wasting my life there is nothing possible that would make my life better then it already is I said cockily"

"We've found your father" he spoke

Once those words came out that mans mouth I wanted to shove my foot right up his ass. Everything in the world froze for a minute. My father, my dad he found him after all these years DID HE REALLY THINK I WANTED SHIT TO DO WITH MY LOW ASS FATHER.


I shoved the man out my way and sped off to school

By the time I got to school I was still angry

"Hey man you Iight" roc called after me

I'm straight I spat angrily, I just feel like punching somebody

You better use your little punching bag friend Leilanie Rayan chuckled

"Now that you reminded me I'm going to show myself a good time today. She's gonna get a good ass whooping for talking to me like the yesterday"

"No doubt she was acting mad fresh with her little posê though, that dude Jordin had a mouth" roc said

He was gonna get punched in it too The hell he thought he was .. No you know what The hell she thought she was trying to show out in front of they wack ass. She's just a lame nerd anyways Jacob laughed

"They weren't wack " A voice said behind Jacob

He turned around to see Craig with his hands in his pocket

*Jacob* Oh look who decided to come over. What you got tired of sitting at the trash can alone?

"Nigga just shut up already I'm not here for you. I know you have A.D.D but damn all you do Is run your trap about how your gonna beat a girls ass""Your pathetic!! Last time I checked it's been a lil minute since you whooped a nigga's ass. What, did You think they're to fragile to be hit. hmmm kinda makes me think about what side your on."

Roc, Rayan along with the other students who heard immediately dropped there jaws at how much balls prod grew to actually say that.

Your pathetic Craig. Your worthl--- Jacob didn't finish talking he punched the nearest wall walking off into the school early

"Woah there Craig what happened over the week I never thought in a million years you would pop off like that rayan said with his eyes popping out his head"

"Well I guess I just grew some balls because I'm fed up with his shit I don't care if it takes me all year to do this but I'm gonna be that girls friend" Craig smirked then left suddenly

'Whatever' roc said lowly


I raided the halls with my fist clutched. People staring at me crazy and the girls giggling when I caught them staring at me. I paid no attention to them I was mad as hell!!!

Once the hall cleared for first block I finally cooled down and thought "Nigger thinks he's actually worth shit because he stood up to me one time."

I laughed evilly "My friend fall back you have nothing on me because I'M the most popular boy in the school. I get all the hoes, and I have the most money, cars, a big house mostly to myself, and the looks. I'm luxury it self. Overall IM JACOB TO THE MOTHERFUCKING PEREZ

Once I reached my locker I heard the click of the main double doors. Who is that? I began to hear clicks of a heel or some type of sole against the tile. Once the person finally reached my distance they turned around immediately. Confusion plastered all over my face "I want answers"

I ran behind the person slamming them against the locker

"Why look who it is Ms.Leilanie correct?" I chuckled

Jacob please don't touch me so hard she sniffed

Her eyes were blood-shot red and her face had plenty scratches. I began to think hard of why but then again she's clumsy ya know.

"Don't feed me your pitty Guipperro Where's all the mouth from yesterday huh? Why aren't you so big and tall now"

"I-I Jus I was I didn---Will you ever just leave me alone "she cried hard sliding her back against the locker with her knees in her chest

I looked at her weirdly What Is wrong with her she doesn't usually act like that. yea she does the scary act and stuff but why is she acting so hurt Tf I didn't even touch her yet.

*Jacob* But I'm afraid I can't do that sweetie what will I have to look forward too?

"Your precious rude girlfriend Ranaya why don't you tend to her. Go fuck, do something believe me I won't be surprised if you get HIV by morning" Leilanie said with pure fire

* Jacob* Don't ever talk about my girlfriend like that again!! I swished my fist against her face punching her square in the mouth. I watched as her mouth bleed while she already looked terrible

"I just don't understand you little Leilanie why are you like this? Why do you have 2 sides you wanna pretend your all hurt and shit first, next minute you shoot a slick remark. Are you trying to play me like a fool!! He yelled holding my face in his hand"

*Leilanie* How can I play the mighty prince for a fool when he already is she mumbled

Instantly Jacob flicked her in the head twice then ending it with a kick to the ribs. "I Thought I told you already its Jacob to you"

Ahhhhh!!! She yelled holding her sides "Just give me a break pleaseee!!"

*Jacob* Remember that when you try and act fresh with your wanna be friends. If only they knew how much of a nerd you really are and you deserve all the beatings you get


Jacob lifted her off the floor while squeezing her neck tightly "No need geek, it Feels like I'm already there. But hey if you catch the devil around here make sure you tell him to keep my bed warm. Not that he'll have a problem with doing that anyways" Jacob laughed throwing her back down to the floor then Walking off

1st Period

So here I am limping to class looking like a true idiot as always. As usual I walked in getting the stares followed by bitches laughing as if some shit was funny. See if I wasn't such a geek I'd let all these hoes get a piece of my mind just because I'm fed up unfortunately i cant. Once I sat down I noticed right behind me was a new boy he looked about 18 hmm maybe started school late who cares. He was cute but he'd never take interest in me.

I turned around to glance at him quick hoping he wouldn't catch me looking but sadly I failed. Just look at me he probably was one of the people laughing at me, look at what I'm wearing, pathetic  i need to just smile and turn away. 

I smiled and faded it out quickly turning around in my seat. I could just feel a pair of eyes on the side of my face.

Jacob walked up "Hey Guipperro why you looking at him for he don't want you. Just quit trying to flirt with people its kinda sad. Honestly lets compare his shoe game to yours.  okay lets see what we got here some Black,blue and red Kd's (kevin durant shoes) and so old worn-out combat boots. He laughed i like his better.

Immediately i sunk in my chair as laughter again filled the air , Just watch i know Jacob's gonna make the new kid one of his new friends i just know it.

*Jacob* Wassup man I'm Jacob, Jacob Perez you?

- Oh waddup I'm Tikian Reggy his voice spoke with pure sexiness

*Jacob* Well Tikian just to let you know the girl who just turned around at you is a geek so if you don't wanna be lame on your first day I suggest you leave the nerd to the side, he walked off chuckling

Tikian POV

Nigga WHO ARE YOU to tell me who I'm supposed to talk to. Its clear as day the girl in front of me was "classified" as a nerd since they thought it was just hilarious that she walked in limping. But I don't judge nobody I don't know, ya see I ain't from around here. Back at home in Milwaukee all we do is wild out and party we don't care about whether you lame or not. Can you turn up? I used to get all the bitches but I neva let a girl get in the way of my grind or my Day 1's. My outfit you ask lol it consist of a black Joyrich bear face crewneck, dark skinny jeans, like "Jacob" said some black blue and red Kd's, and a skullie that read "You can't Sit with us"

"Ayo chick" I yelled

She didn't turn around guessing she didn't think I would talk to her

*Tikian* Ayo girl!! I tapped her on the back lightly

She turned around pointing at herself "me?"

*Tikian* Yea, what's your name?

It's Leilanie Guipperro and I already know yours the devil made it loud and clear she growled

I chuckled " You don't gotta be all scared or rude to me because I don't know any of you so I'm just playing it cool I don't judge."

*Leilanie* So you didn't laugh at me when i walked in here,as you can see I'm a nerd I get it all the time so you don't have to lie.

*Tikian* Nahh I didn't laugh at you I didn't think anything was funny wow so this is the type shit y'all laugh at down here. Now if someone fell and bust they ass at my old school sure we gonna laugh but we gonna help them up anyways. Don't nobody bully and all that.

*Leilanie* Would you show me to that school?

I laughed again "Your funny leilanie but I have a question for you'

What? she looked eager to know

"Why do you call yourself a nerd? you aren't a nerd your just you. Why Tf do you let niggas tease you like that because i can tell these pussies round here mess with you."

*Leilanie* I-I don't know i figured nobody doesn't like me so why not just call myself one i mean look at what i have on she said fearful of embarrassment

*Tikian* Well just because that boy Jacob doesn't like you doesn't mean any one else don't like you they just follow behind the leader. & who gives a shit about the clothes you wear or the shoes you walk on if you a cool as person fuck it and everybody stuntin on you. 

Leilanie smiled brightly and I noticed that she had some beautiful eyes and her smile was like heart lifting. I can already tell I'm gonna make this girl's life change around I just want her to have at-least one friend to lean on.

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