Because Of You

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Tikian smiled back as the bell rang for lunch

"Come on! Your gonna have someone to sit with today" I grabbed her hand and we both trailed off into the halls

We were almost into the cafeteria doors when that Jacob nigga and his "friends" I guess slid right in front of us practically moving us to the side.

"Now I may be new and I don't know how shit works around here but ain't no way in hell you gonna push me like that!! I don't care who you is!" I shot at Jacob and his groupies

Jacob looked at me in disbelieve as if he couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth

Excuse me! Jacob spat followed by ray & roc behind him

"Nigga you heard me I said it loud and clear, Don't play dumb with me Cuz I ain't got time for questions WE HUNGRY" I said like tyrese be doing in Fast& Furious

I automatically made Leilanie laugh and that brought joy to my soul. I hung onto her arm and walked in line with her

*Leilanie* Wow 1st day and you already have a enemy

"Well my bad then, hell he already demanded me not to talk to you like he was my pappy or some shit, then he wanna come bombard me out the way. Excuse me The other doors over there .... maybe he was lost" I laughed before getting a slice of pepperoni pizza and some frozen strawberries

Hey Tikian, Leilanie called

Huh? I turned around to her while still keeping up with the line

"Thanks" she smiled

"for what?" I asked

She looked at me crazy " For being my friend retard"

"Oh no problem Lei Besides mama always told me to be nice to people" I smiled

We both walked to a table, ate and said bye before we went our Seperate ways

Leilanie POV

I Can't believe it .... I Leilanie Guipperro has a friend, a real friend that'll stick with me through whatever bullshit. Tikian huh? He might just change my life maybe I won't think about killing my self that often if I had a friend to call, or hang with. Maybe I'm not so bad after all

It was around 7th period now and I felt like the day couldn't get any slower. When the bell finally rung for the last time of the day. Considering I had Jacob in this class it was hard enough because he always made fun of me in there. I swear one day I'm just going to grow up and beat his mutherfucking ass! I tried rushing out the door when one of his little sidekicks tripped me.

I fell to the floor and moaned in pain when I saw a hand reaching for mines.

"Craig?" I said suprised

"It's okay Let me help you up Leilanie, I don't wanna hurt you anymore please give me a chance" Craig asked sincerely

I got up with pitty plastered on my face "Oh now after 4 years you want to help me get the fuck out of here and for all you people staring at me, the same people who laugh at me, who feel sorry for Craig WAKE THE HELL UP!! I'm sick of being beaten half to death and I'm tired of the same damn people bullying me every single day. All of a sudden one just apologizes he thinks he made shit okay! You don't know everything I go through at home and all you wanted to do was add to it. So fuck off!" I gave all them a look that could kill, and sped walked home

Jacob started to laugh uncontrollably "Didn't I tell you, didn't I tell you you were wasting your time. She will never forgive you or any of us and to be quite honest

PAYBACK. Jacob Perez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now