Coldstones Gone Wrong

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The lady handed me my change but clumsy me dropped a quarter and it rolled to Jacobs feet. I don't need it but I mean a piece of gum would be good right now. Next thing you know I was bent down reaching for it but my hand touched .........

Jacobs, we both looked up at the same time

Jacob sized me up with a shocking face "If it isn't My little geek pal what happened to you, income tax came in he joked"

*leilanie* No bitch!

Naomi's friends looked confused as ever "Geek pal?"

Jacobs face Immediately turned enraged Ms.Guipperro seems to have a big mouth today I see you made friends huh are they geeks too he whispered

Jordan moved in front of her "Nigga what you said!

*Jacob* Nd who might you be nigga ain't nobody ask for you

*Leilanie* It's okay Jordan this is my best friend from school--

No the hell we ain--

*Leilanie* We just play like that all the time right Jacob I gave him a pleading face

He looked at me wanting to blow me over "Right" he smiled

*Tyrin* Oh Sorry bout that well come on Jordan before you pop his ass

*Jacob* Pop who he betta take his ass on Tf he pose to be anyways

Just chill damn I dragged Jacob by his hair into the bathroom. Then He slapped me directly in the face

Who in your right mind told you to pull my hair you must've forgot who I am!"

I touched my face it burned like hell I guess I should've had that coming

"No I didn't forget who you were"

*Jacob* Then you better get your shit together because me & you will NEVER be friends & tell your "new" friends don't look at me The wrong way I'll slap the grin off all of there faces

"You Ain't Gonna Do shit! She yelled then covered her mouth backing up (Why did I just say that)

I won't!? Jacob said moving closer to her
Soon his anger grew inpatient
"You don't want me to beat your ass here do you, I know you don't but once you get home you might as well keep the door unlocked Cuz tonight that ass is mine" Leilanie likes to run her big mouth in public but your mistake I'm gonna hurt you so bad you might as well cry right now. He stepped back foot by foot still staring dead at me Untill he was gone

I ran water over my face not scared at all I'm used to it once my face turned back to its natural brown color I came out looking for my table.

There she is Mike yelled I smiled walking over only to see jacob's table sitting right next to it on the side

I moved past them and sat by Jordan.
He through his arm across my neck then turned around looking lost

"Wow you so dumb"

*Jordan* Hey I had to find a way to do it somehow

*Naomi* So Mike how's your black Icecream

*Mike* Blacker then ever girl these brownie bites aint no joke holdup lemme do the white girl phase

It's so scrumptious the way the Icecream oozes down the molten it's like a chocolaty explosion. The gooyiness of the fudge really compliments the cold shivering cream he said doing hand gestures

We all bursted with laughter

*Leilanie* You & Tyrin are true fatasses look at him he licking his fingers

*Tyrin* These butterfingers so buttery they slippin off my fingers

*Naomi* You so stupid boy how did you pass the 12th grade

*Tyrin* Chocalate bars keep me motivated I figured hey if I graduate I don't have to go to school anymore therefore I have time to access every store in California nd buy a livestock of Butterfingers

We all laughed loud again
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*Roc* They seem like they having Fun

*Jacob* Well they too damn loud

*Ray* They seem like some cool people but why they so old they look bout 19

*Jacob* And I'm 18 one year it ain't a big difference

*Roc* It's starting t get annoying they laughing a lil too much

*Jacob* Well let me go set them straight I got up angrily and walked towards there table

Sorry to rain on you people's parade but your too loud so quiet down a lil & we won't have a problem. Y'all clear alright I started walking away

*Jordam* Holdup boy you betta talk like yo ass got some sense Tf you thought this was we can be as loud as we want the workers ain't got no problem so too bad

*Mike* Foreal I don't care if that's yo friend lei nigga must don't know

*Jacob* No Nigga YOU must not know I been going here all my life ain't Neva saw none of y'all so you in MY town sir. I said your too loud so Just Close your fucking mouth and eat the Icecream

Leilanie looked down scared

Jordan chuckled and stood up

"I don't give a damn if you ain't saw us in your entire life might as well get used to this face Cuz it ain't going nowhere. Don't get mad Cuz your friends quiet while you sittin over there in that lame ass table nigga betta get tight. I could sit here all damn day and be loud as I want but still don't eat the damn Icecream so what exactly are you gonna fucking do about it"

*Jacob* Keep talking go ahead you just making shit worse for somebody

Leilanie looked straight up at him as he smiled

*Naomi* You know what ain't you the same nigga that came to my house yesterday

*Jacob* I prefer to be called Jacob but I can call you a nigga or whatever fits you best he smirked

*Naomi* You have a slick ass mouth to be in the 12th grade

*Jacob* I agree, what did You think that I actually cared about what grade your in, your not even in school

*Tyrin* I see Youngin does his math it's freshman year college look forward to it

*Jacob* No need for the tip

*Leilanie* Can you just leave it's obvious your not wanted (P.O.V.: WHY DO I KEEP SAYING STUPID SHIT CLOSE YOUR MOUTH LEILANIE)

Jacob glared at me with disbelief

*Jacob* Hm it seems like even my "friend" doesn't want me here fine I'll leave

He walked away and back to his table

*Ray* What happened? why you look so red

*Jacob* Cuz I'm mad as hell that's why, her little crew has a mouth and they think I'm scared of them shit they just don't know what Perez is capable of I'm not the one to be played with

*Roc* Oh we know


*Mike* Well I'm fool Naomi you still gonna hit up lil Romeo's party tonight

*Naomi* Hell yea nd lei is coming too outfit gonna be a smash

*Leilanie* Why is it that your bragging more then me when you ain't even the one who's wearing it

*Mike* Ooh
*Jordan* Tell her boo

*Leilanie* Just sayin

*Naomi* Well don't let me tellem about them pbj shirts

What? They all questioned

*Leilanie* Nun who's ready to go I am

The boys laughed "Mhm what she got to hide"

*Naomi* Oh nothing she smirked
They all left out cold stones talking loudly while Jacob & them gave stank faces

Seconds later they walked out ugh Jacob did that on purpose I know he just wanted to mess with me god I only get one chance to have a couple of real friends and like always he tries to ruin my life

*Jacob* Woah woah woah I ran like I had no sense Ooops I yelled after I spilled Chocalate Icecream on The nerds pants

*Leilanie* Ahhh it's cold, it's cold

My bad let me help you with that friend he evilly glared at me

*Mike* Look dude I already don't like you for nun and you just wasted CHOCALATE Icecream on her my favorite oh it's over I can't stand yo ass now

*Jacob* It's not like I did it on purpose he winked at me

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