Chapter 12

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Contrary to his previous belief, Caspian did not get in trouble for arriving late at the academy. It seemed that being the chaperone for a sorceress made him exempt from the normal rules. While this did not sit well with many of his peers or the instructors, Caspian found that he couldn't care less what they thought. Perhaps he was being petty, but he enjoyed having something to finally lord over those idiots who hated him because he wasn't born a noble.

That morning, Caspian found himself training in one of the courtyards. Elincia was with him, having risen early to watch. He tried to ignore the feeling of her eyes on his bare back as he went through the motions.

Slash. Sidestep. Thrust.

He'd improved a lot in the last month. Ever since he'd gained real experience as a Sorceress's Knight, Caspian had realized that he was nowhere near strong enough. His battle with that female elven assassin had taught him that much.

Backpedal. Parry. Riposte.

Shuffling along the ground, Caspian moved his sword in a dizzying display. Light from the sun glanced off the blade, causing his weapon to be seen as nothing more than silver flashes. Sweat clung to his skin and dripped down his torso. Every breath taken came out a deep gust as he tried to keep his breathing even.

Move to the left. The right. Spin. Slice. Faster. He needed to be faster.

Ever since his return from Ashtown, Caspian had been working on improving his attack speed. He had strength, and he had dexterity, but his speed was lacking. Perhaps if he'd been faster, he could have defeated that elf without being forced to...

Blood splattered against the ground, staining the floor as it spread like a puddle underneath the elf's body.

He shook his head, gritting his teeth and forcing his mind away from the past. That wouldn't help him now.

The sun climbed ever higher into the sky at a slow, steady pace. Caspian realized that he must have spent several hours out there already. Elincia was still there, still gazing at him, having not moved from her spot. She was lying on her stomach, feet kicking lazily in the air, and her head propped on her hands. Her cheeks were oddly flushed. He wondered why. It wasn't like she'd been exerting herself at all.

It must be a girl thing, he concluded, deciding to stop for now. He'd gotten in a good workout, and he felt like he was improving. It was enough for him.

Sighing exhaustedly, he thrust his sword into the ground and took several deep breaths. His body ached. The sword that he was using had been created by Vé, one of the three spirits of creation from the Nordic Clan. Elincia had gifted it to him, claiming that she'd asked Vé to make it after he'd told her what he was trying to accomplish. This sword couldn't be used as a weapon, but as a training implement to strengthen his arms and core, it was excellent.

"That was really impressive, Caspian!" Elincia complimented as he walked over to her. "You've gotten so strong, and your skill with a blade is admirable! I think you might even be a match for D'artagnan!"

Hiding his blush behind a laugh, Caspian said, "Thanks, but I don't think I'm quite that powerful yet. I still have a long way to go."

D'artagnan was Sylvia's knight. Hailed as the strongest knight to have ever graced the earth, he was the person that all of the knights-in-training strived to be like. Caspian had met him on several occasions when he lived with Sylvia. He admired the stoic knight.

"I might be a match for someone like Derek, though," Caspian continued. Sure, Derek looked much better now than when they'd first met, but from what Caspian had seen of the man, Derek still had an appallingly low amount of stamina. Caspian was sure he could take Erica's knight in a fight.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now