Chapter 7-The Animal Squad

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*JiMmy Jr.'S pOv*

What an embarrassment. What a hi-friggin-larious embarrassment," I grumbled. Turning my head from the view of my glorious tap shoes, I growled inwardly at the sight of the ballet pussy known as Josh. I'm sure Tina was just delighted at his presence. Okay, maybe I'm just a little jealous....times five.
    She was never clear with their breakup, because they were never really dating. I thought that the
bigshot would have left town by now for Broadway or something, but I guess not. There must be a reason he's hanging on to this dump of a town. Oh well, I conclude my relay of thoughts there.
   The screen I saw my brothers on shifted music to something delicate and unfamiliar. He began his graceful journey of stupid dancing; I couldn't help but cringe. To me, it was awful.
    Josh finished up and briskly trotted off the stage. Up next was a squad of 7 dancers from the same school Josh went to. They each had a unique animal costume. The music changed each time an animal did a solo. Honestly, that one was cool. I'm curious what that horse-loving flower over there thinks.

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