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I awoke in my room. The events of the night before kept replaying in my head. My immediate thought was Finn. I shot up from my bed, still feeling lethargic and sore. I stumbled a few times and rushed over to the kitchen. Finn was there, sitting on the dining table and flipping through more magazines. I walked slowly now, observing Finn as though this were an illusion. "Finn? What are you doing here?" I asked. Finn set the magazines aside, and looked at me. His face suddenly became confused, just like mine. It was as if my question had offended him. "I live here?" he replied in a high tone. I looked around the apartment, everything looked normal, none of this made any sense. "What about yesterday?" I asked as I continued to look around for evidence of it all being a dream. Finn continued to look at me with a face of confusion, and said "What about it?" I began to worry, either Finn had forgiven me, or my mind was playing tricks again. "You left, don't you remember anything?" "Are you feeling alright?" Finn asked, "You've been asleep for nearly a day now, I've been here this whole time." My panic rose, this isn't right  I thought to myself. I stood there frozen, unable to move. "Is this some sort of game?" I asked, awkwardly laughing. I knew for a fact that this wasn't a dream. It was snowing and raining, the winds were as vicious as ever, and nothing looked or felt distorted. "You're beginning to worry me, Melanie" Finn said as he now began to approach me. I took a leap back, causing Finn to cringe, "Is everything alright?" My eyes widened, and I began to feel the burning sensation, however I was able to control it. "I don't know anymore" I said.

I went on with the rest of my day, acting oblivious to the situation. For some reason or another, Finn had forgotten all about the night before, or perhaps he was trying to forget. Regardless, confusion clouded every fiber in my body and I was unsure of what to do about it. Finn just sat there, at the dining table, flipping through old magazines. It was an endless loop of constant agony. I began to think Finn was playing with me, I grew impatient with the situation. But despite my impatience, there was nothing I could do. No matter what I said, Finn had no idea what I was talking about. My best option was to pretend the night before never happened.

To pass time, I began to look through my old boxes. I stumbled upon a particular box of sorts. It appeared as though I had written something on it, however it was scratched off, and replaced with a new label that read: Remember the suns pattern. I felt a sense of Déjà vu. I couldn't remember where I had seen that phrase. I decided to ignore the fragmentary text, and proceeded to open the box. Yet another flash of Déjà vu hit me. The entire box was filled with old lightbulbs, the exact same bulbs that I pulled out the night before. "How is this even possible?" I whispered to myself. I immediately looked at Finn, who appeared to be heading off somewhere. "I need to go run a quick errand, but I should be back in about an hour or so" he said, walking towards the door. "Wait!" I shouted, "Did I ever tell you about my collection?" Finn looked at me and laughed. "You can tell me all about it when I get back" the door closed, and Finn had left. "But.. I already told you" I said, aware that Finn was gone. I quickly  ran towards the giant window, and looked down. I saw Finns car driving down a long stretch of road. I clasped my head, and began to panic. The burning sensation grew stronger, and visions began to occur again. "What the fuck is going on?!" I shouted, still clasping onto my head. The visions consisted of the exact same thing I had the night before. I was running somewhere, yet I couldn't make out where. All of a sudden, I saw a light, something gleaming on the road.  

I realized I had to leave, I needed to find Finn. As fast as I could, I ran out the door and into the cold and wet streets of Intemilly. The strident winds made it difficult to run, but the adrenaline inside my body persisted, and was able to beat the winds resistance. I didn't understand why I was running so fast, all I knew was that I needed to be quick. As I ran, the flashes became more vivid. I could actually see where I was running to. The gleaming object was right in front of me, however the more I ran, the further away the object seemed. But it didn't stop me, I kept running even faster. The frozen rain droplets that fell began to burn my body. I could feel my temperature lowering, I left in such a hurry that I didn't layer up. The warm sensation that had dispersed through my body was enough to keep me going however. I must have been running for about six kilometers, until I heard a crash. I wasn't far now, I could vaguely see what had happened. My intuition was right, what I saw made my entire existence feel blanched.

I ran toward the collision, and fell to my knees. I've been here before. It was the first vision I had about six months ago. A car torn in half, metal scraps scattered about. And most disturbingly, an overabundance of blood. The gleaming light in the visions, was a car. It was Finns car. I peered my head up, and saw a body torn in half. I let out a painful cry, and covered my face with my hands. Finns car had been going fast, the rain and snow had made the roads unsafe. Intemilly's bullet train had been coming in at a speed of two hundred and sixty miles per hour. Unable to swerve or break fast enough, Finns car tried to cross the rail road tracks when the train had passed by, crushing the car and anything in it. The vision I had six months ago, the car scraps and blood were all Finn. The only friend I had in Intemilly, the only friend I had in the world, was gone. I didn't stop screaming until authorities were notified, and sent to the scene. When they came, I was escorted away as paramedics examined the body. "Cover up the body and get it in the ambulance, now!" one of the paramedics shouted. The thought of having to go home by myself crushed me. I wasn't ready to embrace the silent halls and empty room. "Ma'am, did you know this man?" one of the men asked. Finns dead, he's dead, he's dead, I saw it coming and yet he's dead, I fucking killed him. "Ma'am, are you with us?" he asked again. Why did this happen, everything was fine this morning, he's dead, he's really dead. "Ma'am?" I killed him, this is all my fault, I killed him. The man grabbed my shoulder, and pulled me out of my thoughts. "Ma'am, I need you to focus please" my eyes were now looking at this man, this man that I had never seen before. "Is he dead?" I asked the man, my body shaking. The man looked over at the paramedics, then at me. "Yes" he said. I began to cry once again, my hands over my head. I took deep breaths, but nothing helped. I wasn't sure how to react, all I knew was that I was too late. "Did you know that man?" he asked me, my attention now pointed at him. I took a couple quick breaths before replying. "Yes." "I'm going to need you to come with me, is that alright?" I nodded slowly, and got into the mans car. We drove for what felt like hours, when in reality the police department was not that far. As we drove, I looked through the window and saw the ambulance take Finns body away. "Did you see what happened?" the man asked. What am I going to do? How am I going to fix this? Can I fix this? 

Why did this happen?

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