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 Hey! So this is the new story!! On the side bar is a picture of Patch! I know....he's beautiful!!! Please vote and comment!!

I run through the halls as I hear the bell before the tardy bell ring. “Excuse me! Sorry!” I yell as I push past people to get to my human bio class. I look at the clock on my phone and it saws 7:58. I have two minutes to get there! I find the door to my class and hastily push it open. I jog to the back of the class and sit down. I look up at the clock and see it was 7:59. Whoa…a minute to spare! I open my bag and take out all my stuff for class. DING DING DING! “Alright class, today we are going to start out unit on Natural Selection. Now turn to page…” starts our teacher, but is interrupted by the principal. “I’m sorry Mr. Allen, but this is the new student, Patch Cipriano, I told you was to arrive today.” Says Mr. Dayton.  I look up from my books. I see a boy with dark Levi jeans, a tight fitted black v neck shirt with black boots. His hair was jet black and was perfect. HE was perfect. “Hello Patch, I’m Mr. Allen.” Says Mr. Allen as he shakes Patch’s hand. “Umm you can sit by…” he says as he trails the classroom for empty seats. “Ah, you can sit by Isabelle.” He says. I can feel the heat in my body rise up to my cheeks. Oohs and whistles erupt throughout the room. I look back down trying to avoid the prowling eyes of the students. “Quiet!” yells Mr. Allen. I can feel Patch staring at me. I hear him take a seat in the empty desk next to me. I take my chances and look up at him. I stare up right into his eyes. They are the blackest I’ve ever seen. “Hey.” He says in a smooth, deep voice. “Uhh, hi.” I say nervously. He shoots me a smirk and slumps back in his chair. I take a deep breath and lean back in my chair. Throughout the whole class, Patch kept distracting me. Well…he wasn’t doing anything physical; he was just staring at me. It was uncomfortable. “Isabelle?” I hear my name being called out. I look up and realize that I was asked a question. “Could you repeat the question? I ask. Laughter fills the classroom quickly. “I asked you to define natural selection in the simplest way possible.” Mr. Dayton says. “Oh, umm survival of the fittest.” I say. “Yes, but next time, pay attention please.” I blush madly and I can just feel the eyes of all the students on me. The bell rings and I quickly gather my things and make my way to the door. I suddenly feel someone take hold of my arm. I turn and see Patch. “You dropped this.” He says, handing me my pencil bag. I take it. “Uhh, thanks.” I say. I quickly turn and run out of class. I turn the corner to the locker room and drop my bag on the floor. I unzip the bag and quickly change into my softball pants, socks, and a plain tee shirt. I stuff my other clothes in my bag, open up my locker and grab my softball bag, replacing it with my backpack. I slip my slides on and walk to the softball field. I am one of the first to arrive. I clip my bag to the fence and pull out my cleats. I tie them, grab my glove and start to throw. After about 15 minutes of that, we start practice. “Izzy, I want you at shortstop, Caroline, go to first, Brooke, go to second, and Dani I want you at third.” Says our coach. We all run to our positions. “I will hit them randomly, so be ready for anything.” She says. With that, she begins. The first ball comes to me as a straight line drive, but I catch it nonetheless, and then throw it to Caroline. I get back in position as our coach starts to hit again. After about 5 full buckets of this, we take a drink break. Out of the corner of my eye I spot someone watching us. I turn to see who it was, and see that it was the new boy, Patch. He catches my eye and smirks. I quickly look away. I quickly gulp down some water and turn around to see if Patch was still there. He wasn’t. He was gone. I feel somewhat happy about it. He was starting to creeps me out. The way he walks says he’s arrogant and the way he looks tells me he is hiding something. Defiantly something big. I snap out of my thought and go back to my practice. An hour and a half later, practice was over. I quickly grab a shower and rinse off. I turn the water off and change back into my regular clothes. I see that everyone is just now getting into the locker rooms. I make my way out and towards my math class. “Oh guys watch out! Hottie alert!” I hear Marcie Miller say to her group of Barbie girls. Uggg, Marcie Miller! There isn’t enough time in the world to explain my hatred for her! I continue walking when I hear my phone ring. I grab it out of my pocket to see a text from my mom. Just checking in. Hope you are ok sweetie. I will be a little later than I expected. So, be safe. I read. I sigh and start to text back. “Heyyyy.” I hear Marcie say. I roll my eyes at her and keep walking. I run into someone. I almost fell back, but the person catches me. I look up to see who I ran into. It was Patch. “Uhh, I’m sorry.” I say, stepping away from him. “You should be more careful. Texting and walking is just as dangerous as texting and driving.” He says. I nod my head and walk past him quickly, trying to escape the embarrassment.

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