Isabelle and Patch

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~Isabell’s POV~

            It’s been three weeks since I’ve talked to Patch. He’s been avoiding me at school, giving me blank expressions when we work on our assignment and also gives me one word answers to every question I ask him. What did I do to him? Was it because of my mom? Was it because I was weird? I feel as though my shining light in the dark world is slowly fading away…

“Isabelle?” I hear Mr. Allen call out.

“Are you awake today?” He asks. I hear a couple of snickers from the class and I look down in embarrassment.

“Yeah I’m awake…” I say.

“Alright, now class, your projects are due tomorrow and I expect them all to be done.” Mr. Allen says.

Patch turns to me and says, “You better have your part done. I don’t wanna fail this.”

I take note of his forced rudeness. He was pretending to hate me…he was pretending.

When the bell rings, Patch grabs his stuff and bolts out of the room. I stuff my books in my bag and run after him.

“Patch!” I yell after him. He doesn’t stop, but walks faster.

I run after him and grab his arm, but Marcie Miller trips me.

“Aww look at that, the love struck puppy fell!” she says in her high pitched voice.

Laughs ring out in the hall as Marcie smirks at me. “Now Patch,” she says stepping closer to him. Patch pushes her out of the way and picks me up bridal style. I look at him in shock at the sudden contact. Patch doesn’t look at me; he simply keeps walking with me. It’s the middles of the day and I have a feeling that we were gonna ditch school. “Patch, w-where are you…” I say before he cuts me off.

“Quiet Angel.” He says firmly, yet gently.

I clamp my mouth shut. Patch sets me down on the ground by his bike and hands me a helmet. I stare at the helmet and then look at him. “I am not ditching school.” I say firmly. Patch groans.

“Quit being so damn suborn and put the helmet on Ang… I mean Izzy.” He says.

I reluctantly put the helmet on and get on his bike. He gets on and starts his bike without warning me. I instantly wrap my arms around Patch’s torso tightly, afraid to fall. I look up at Patch and see a smirk plastered on his face. I felt like slapping that smirk off his face. He’s been avoiding me for the past 3 weeks and he thinks it’s just okay to pick me up and take me away.

            We drive for a while until we reach a small house. I am shaking now with fear and nervousness. Why did he take me here…what is he gonna do? I am numbed by my thought that I don’t notice Patch lifting the helmet of my head. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him. There is a gleam of sorrow in his eyes. “Izzy are you okay?” he asks softly. I don’t answer right away, I just look at him. His hair is messy from the wind, his eyes are full of sadness, and he is forcing his meanness and rudeness towards me. “P-Patch…” I say. He looks up at me.

“Yes Angel?” he says. I put my hands in his and look into his eyes.

“Why are you trying to hate me?” I ask. His whole expression immediately changes.

“Isabelle…I…I’m falling in love with someone I shouldn’t be.” He says.  I keep my hands in his as my mind goes in a rush, my heart beating faster.

“Why can’t you love her?” I ask, desperately wanting to know. He takes a deep breath before he answers. “Because it’s you Angel. I can’t love you. You deserve so much more. I’m not good for you…”

I stare at him in shock. My thoughts are in a whirl. Patch loves me. Me. Of all people, he picks me…

“Please don’t hate me.” he says.

“I could never hate you Patch.” I say.

Patch looks at me and rests his hands on my knee. “Let me do this…” he says gently. I look at him, but stay still. Patch leans in, closer and closer. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips.

“You’re so gonna hate me…” he mumbles before smashing his lips on mine. I gasp at the new sensation. He pulls me closer by my legs to the point where I’m sitting on his lap. I don’t know how to feel. I hate Patch for making me think he hated me, but at the same time I love being this close to Patch. I slowly snake my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I feel a smirk emerge on his face. Patch then picks me up from his bike, never breaking the kiss, and walks into the small house. I wrap my legs around his waist, trying not to make a fool of myself. He kisses me harder, causing me to whimper. Patch then traces his tongue along my bottom lip. I open my mouth slightly, unsure of what to do. Patch quickly takes over, sliding his tongue gently into my mouth. I moan at the newfound pleasure and he grips my waist. I run my finger through his hair, tugging on the ends teasingly. Patch smirks and holds my waist. I jump a little in surprise, but am calmed by the touch of Patch’s fingers. I loose myself completely, not paying attention to anything but Patch. Patch reaches for the hem of my shirt when a voice says, “What the hell.”

HEY!!! I'm back!! I hope you all haven't given up on me! Updates for all stories will be coming soon! Please  comment how you like it and vote! I would like to say a congratulations to my friend who is IN ALL HONORS CLASSES!!! I am so proud!! heck yes!!! Well that all for me! See ya!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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