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Hey guys, sorry this is so short, I'm kinda crunched for time since school and volleyball have started, but I promise that I will update whenever I can. I hope you guys understand. Anyway PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!! Without comments, I don't know what I need to work on or if you guys even like it. Sooooo if you are reading this, please COMMENT what you think about the story. Anyway, here it is!!!

After I hang up the phone, I realize two important things. One, I’m letting Patch take me somewhere, and two; I never told him where I lived. I go to my closet and grab my pink Vans and a cardigan. I pace up and down my room wondering why in the world I would agree for him to take me somewhere! I mean, I barely know him and I am letting him take me somewhere to ‘hang out’. What if he tries to hurt me? Patch is hiding something and I need to figure it out. Something about him…I just can’t put my finger on it. I am snapped out of my thought when I hear a knock at my door. I race downstairs and open the door. Patch is standing there with the same clothes he wore to school, along with a black jacket. “You ready?” he asks. I nod. He steps aside to let me get out the door. I close and lock it. We walk towards my driveway and I see that he drove his motorcycle here. “You’re not scared, are you Isabelle?” Patch asks in a teasing manner. “No.” I reply. Patch smirks at me and hands me a helmet. I take it from him and put it on my head. Patch does the same and gets on his motorcycle. I pause for a moment. “Are you coming or what?” he asks. “Yeah, I just…” I trail off. A corner of Patch’s lips raises in a smile. “Yeah, we are going to have to be touching.” I frown and reluctantly get on his ride. I carefully wrap my arms around his waist and rest them right in the middle of his stomach. I can feel his muscles through his shirt. I feel a blush start to rise and I am glad that I have a helmet to hide my face. Patch backs out of my driveway and starts to head towards the coast. We drive for about 20 minutes before we get to Patch’s ‘hang out’ place. He parks his motorcycle in the front of the building and kills the engine. I take my arms off of Patch and get off his bike. I hand him the helmet. “Where are we?” I ask. He looks me over and then says, “Bo’s. It’s a place where I hang out with my friends.” I arch my eyebrow at him. “Friends?” I question. “Fine, friend. He’s here now, so if you don’t mind, I would like to go see him.” He says. I nod my head. Patch then extends his hand to me. I am hesitant. “C’mon Isabelle, it’s just a hand.” He says. I let out a sigh and give him my hand. The instant our hands touch, I feel electricity pulse through me and I am positive Patch can feel it too. He entwines our finger together and leads me towards the entrance. “Stay close. This place is packed.” He whispers. I nod. He opens the door and pulls me in. I see pool tables in the corner, a bar in the middle of the room, and tables all around. Patch leads me to a pool table where I see a guy with black hair playing alone. “Hey Rixon.” Says Patch. “Hey.” Says the boy. He looks to me and then back to Patch. “This is Isabelle. She’s a friend from school.” Patch says. Rixon looked at our entwined hands. I begin to blush. Patch smirks and let’s go of my hands. “Well I’ll be right back; I gotta go get a drink.” Says  Rixon. He then leaves the table. Patch turns around and faces me with a stupid smirk on his face. “How did you find my house?” I ask him in a yelling manner. “Coldwater is a small town, I just asked around.” He says all laid back. I glare at him. “Why did you bring me here Patch?” I ask him. “Can’t we just hang out? Jeeze!” he exclaims. I roll my eyes at him and say, “Yeah, for some reason, I don’t believe you.” I say. “Ok, fine. You want the truth?” he asks. I give him the “duh” face. “I just wanted to get to know you better. I want to be your friend, cause the way Marcie talks about you seems like you need a guy friend like me.” he says. “Marcie talks about me?” I ask. “Yeah…” he says. I feel the stinging of tears in the back of my eyes. I try to hold them in, but they fall. Patch’s posture changes immediately. “Hey, I don’t believe the things she says about you.” He says. Patch places a hand on my shoulder. “Thanks.” I manage to say. I wipe my tears away and put on a small smile. “Now…lets have some fun shall we?”

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