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  Hey there people who are reading this! Here is the next part! I am dedicating this part to fangirl1106! She was super excited for this story...Sooooooooooo yeah! On the side bar is a picture of Rixon, who will be introduced very soon! Hope you like it and PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

I go the rest of the day without any more interruptions from the new boy. THANK GOD!! After my final class, I head out to my locker to get the rest of my books. “So, what school did you transfer from?” I hear Marcie ask in her seductive voice. “A school in Georgia.” I hear someone in a deep, smooth voice say. I look over to see who Marcie was flirting with and found Patch leaning against a wall while Marcie was standing in front of him. I chuckle at the sight. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go to Georgia!” she says in her high squeaky voice. I hide my face in my locker, trying to muffle in my laughter. Once I compose myself, I take another peek at them. Patch is looking at me. He holds me gaze. “Yeah, uh it was nice talking to you, but I have to go meet up with some of my friends.” He tells Marcie. “Oh yeah! Ok, see ya tomorrow.” She says. He walks past Marcie and makes his way to me. He leans against the lockers and smiles at me. I shut my locker and swing my backpack over my shoulder. “Hey.” He says. “Hey.” I say. I walk towards the double doors and I hear Patch walking behind me. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but do you need something?” I ask Patch. He walks up next to me and places his hand on my back. This sends a shiver up my spine. “I just wanted to talk to my first made friend for my new school.” He whispers. “I’m not the only one who is your ‘friend.’” I tell him. “That girl that was flirting with me? Not a friend. A creep? Defiantly.” He tells me. I giggle at this. Patch opens one of the doors for me and I walk through. “Yeah, just stay away from her and you should be good.” I tell him. “Thanks for the tip Isabelle.” He says. I smile at the way he says my name. “Uhh, you don’t have to call me Isabelle, its kinda long. Most people call me Izzy.” I tell him. “Ok, but I kinda like Isabelle. It’s more…you.” He says. I blush. “Well, ummm thank you.” I reply. He smiles. “Well, I should be getting home.” I say. I give him a small wave and turn to start walking home. “Wanna ride?” he asks. I turn and say, “No, it’s fine. I can get home.” Patch shakes his head and says, “I’m not going to let you walk home alone. There’s a storm coming.” I look up and see that he is correct. There are some low hanging, dark clouds to the north. “It’s the least I could do. You put up with me in class today.” He says. I wanted to accept the offer, but I didn’t want Patch to know where I live! “Uhhh, it’s really fine. My mom would kill me if she saw a guy take me home. She’s really protective.” I say. “Oh. Sorry.” He says. He walks towards me and takes a pen out of his pocket. He grabs my hand and writes his number on the back of my hand. “Call me if you need a ride.” He says. He turns and heads to his…motorcycle!! Yep, my mom would defiantly kill me! I turn and walk to my house. When I finally get there, the rain starts to come. I hurry inside and shut the door. I lock it and make my way up the stairs. I put my backpack on my bed, my phone of its charger, and walk into the bathroom. I peel the wet clothes off of me and turn on the shower. I step in and let the water soak me. I wash my hair, followed by my body, then my face. I wash the conditioner out of my hair and turn off the water. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and tank top. I look at my hand and see that Patch’s number is still on my hand. I sigh. I quickly towel dry my hair and let it curl naturally. I grab my backpack and go down to the kitchen. I set my backpack down at the table and go to browse the kitchen for food. I open cabinets and find nothing that looks good. I grab the bread, some peanut butter, and some jelly. I quickly make a pb and j. I then sit down and start my homework. I only have my Human Biology notes. I get through those in about 30 minutes. By the time I get done, it’s five. I go to the couch and lay down to read. As I read, my mind wonders to Patch. Why was he willing to give me a ride home? I just met him today and I barley know him. He was a little creepy. Maybe he was a stocker? Something about him seemed way off. I get up off the couch and go upstairs. I grab my phone off its charger and type in Patch’s number. I hear it ring a couple of times before he answers.

~Phone Conversation~

(P=Patch, Iz=Isabelle)

P- I knew you couldn’t resist me.

Iz- How did you know it was me?

P- I just knew. What’s up?

Iz- Who are you?

P- What do you mean?

Iz- You know what I mean.

P- Where are you?

Iz- Why do you want to know?

P- Just tell me.

Iz- Home.

P- Wanna hang?

Iz- What?!

P- Yes or no.

Iz- Patch, I…

P- Yeah yeah, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. I know the drill.

Iz- No, it’s not like that. It’s just…

P- You’re scared you will get caught.

Iz- Yeah.

P- I’ll have you home by 9.

Iz- Fine.

P- I’ll be there in 10.

~End of Phone Conversation~

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