we can stay young forever (FINAL)

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hello friends! it's been centuries since I updated this fic. the main reason is that I have actually stopped listening to 5sos and the other is that I completely forgot about this story. we're starting after a time skip bc I just want to get to the ending I had in mind.


"So this is what you look like."

Luke hastily turned around to see a tall boy standing behind him. He was tall and had colored hair that was fried to bits. He was ripped black jeans and a blue flannel, something really similar to Luke's own outfit. He was a kid that Luke had seen around school often, and even hanging out with Calum. He doesn't know how he didn't put two and two together.

"Wow, your voice does not match your face." Fuck Luke wanted to hide himself. Why is he so embarrassing?

He could see the shock on Michael's face before it turned into a laugh.

"I get that a lot." Michael chuckled.

"It's nice to finally meet you. And to be able to put a face to the person I've been talking to all this time."

Michael nodded in agreement.

"You aren't all like I expected. For one you're as tall as a giraffe like what the fuck? I thought I was tall but wow." Michael shook is head in disbelief while eyeing Luke up and down. "It's also nice to know who Calum is talking about when he raves to me about his boyfriend."

Luke blushed and looked down. "He talks about me?"

"He talks about you all the time. He literally never shuts up it was getting fucking annoying." He paused, "Now, you ready to go rock out to Green Day?" He asked with a large smile on his face.

"You bet your ass I am." Luke grinned in return.


Two days after the Green Day concert Luke had started to spend a lot of his time with Michael. They had integrated their friend groups aka they introduced Calum and Ashton to each other. Surprisingly, Ashton did nothing with Calum's number after Luke gave it to him. Instead he was now dating that cheerleader chick.  Which was good news for Luke because during the duration of the project, he grew closer to Calum with Ashton spending more time with his girlfriend.

"It's nice to finally meet my best friend's boyfriend," Ashton said while reaching out to shake Calum's hand and then Michael's, "It's also nice to meet the guy who he's been chatting to for this project. "

"It's nice to meet you too." Calum and Michael said simultaneously.

Luke grinned to himself. Now everyone was together, and he couldn't be happier.


I'm sorry to anyone who was hoping for Luke and Michael to get together. I know the story title says muke but that was because I was originally planning on making muke end game but getting cake together was speaking to me. I hope you enjoyed my short shitty story!

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