will you remember me for centuries?

174 8 1

ayyy song title from fall out boy's "centuries"

lol this is unedited and it's been sitting on my iPod for a week oops. I'll get on tomorrow and make things bold and stuff but enjoy


[5:13pm] lukehatesu: hey what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back

[5:13pm] lukehatesu: a stick

[5:15pm] lukehatesu: get it

[5:15pm] lukehatesu: I'm fucking funny ok

[5:16pm] kittenmichael: no ur not

[5:16pm] lukehatesu: wOW RUDE

[5:16pm] lukehatesu: y u gotta be so ruuuuuuude

[5:16pm] kittenmichael: stfu

[5:16pm] kittenmichael: I hate that song so much

[5:17pm] lukehatesu: we can't be friends

[5:17pm] lukehatesu: I'm sorry michael but it's over

[5:17pm] lukehatesu: we had a good run

[5:17pm] lukehatesu: but I think it would be better if we went separate ways

[5:17pm] kittenmichael: you're taking this way too seriously

[5:17pm] kittenmichael: so stop

[5:18pm] lukehatesu: why are you so mean to me

[5:18pm] kittenmichael: I'm mean to everyone

[5:18pm] kittenmichael: it's apart of my charm

[5:18pm] kittenmichael: music obsessed asshole

[5:18pm] kittenmichael: I get all the bitches

[5:19pm] lukehatesu: michael no you don't

[5:19pm] kittenmichael: why must you crush all my dreams

[5:19pm] lukehatesu: maybe if you were nicer to me I wouldn't

[5:19pm] kittenmichael: :(

[5:19pm] kittenmichael: michael is sad now

[5:19pm] lukehatesu: good

[5:19pm] lukehatesu: be sad see if I care

[5:20pm] lukehatesu: .......

[5:21pm] lukehatesu: ..........

[5:22pm] lukehatesu: ............

[5:23pm] lukehatesu: MICHAEL IM SORRY

[5:23pm] lukehatesu: PLS DONT BE SAD

[5:23pm] kittenmichael: chill

[5:23pm] kittenmichael: I had to answer the door

[5:23pm] kittenmichael: I ordered chinese food

[5:24pm] lukehatesu: I want some pls

[5:24pm] kittenmichael: luke

[5:24pm] kittenmichael: I have no idea where you live you know that right

[5:24pm] lukehatesu: sadly yes

[5:24pm] lukehatesu: we could be playing video games right now but nO WE HAVE TO WAIT TO FIND OUT WHO EACH OTHER IS

[5:25pm] kittenmichael: r u ok

[5:25pm] lukehatesu: I JUST WANT CHINESE DAMMIT

usernames : mukeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon