boy can i tell you a terrible thing?

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I feel like I need to stop with putting sad songs as chapter titles bc they're misleading. no this chapter isn't sad. song is "terrible things" by mayday parade.


It turns out that Calum was on the school's football team. He was the captain actually. Luke had no idea why he had never noticed him before. He was really good at football, Luke envied him. His long legs made it hard for him to walk over grass without tripping.

Ashton had dragged him to the game because he had a crush on one of the cheerleaders. It was stupid. Luke doubted that the cheerleader even knew who Ashton was. Despite Ashton being very good looking and super nice, he wasn't exactly popular. It probably had something to do with him being friends with Luke.

"You see that guy on the field? The one who looks Asian? That's the one I ran into the other day."

"He's hot." Ashton commented, "I'd do him."

"I didn't need to know that Ash thanks."

Ashton smiled cheekily and turned back to the game.

"Ash I'm boooooored." Luke whined, setting his head on Ashton's shoulder.

"Shut up I'm trying to watch the game."

"You mean check Calum out?"

"Shut the fuck up." Ashton said hitting his shoulder.

"Ouch why are you so abusive?" He questioned.

"Why are you so annoying?" Ashton shot back.

"Why do you look like an ewok?"



"Do you think you could get me Calum's number?" Ashton asked on the way back to Luke's house.

"What about that cheerleader?"

"Calum's hotter to be honest." Ashton shrugged.

Luke sighed, "I'll see what I can do."

Ashton dropped him off and left since he had work in the morning. Luke went straight up to his room and switched on his computer. He had three missed messages from michael.

[5:16pm] kittenmichael: my best friend has a football game tonight and he's making me go help
[5:18pm] kittenmichael: why did I think it would be a good idea to be friends with him
[5:19] kittenmichael: I have made a mistake

Luke smiled and began to type back.

[9:36pm] lukehatesu: I went to the football game too. My friend has the hots for the captain now and it's weird.

He saw a reply almost instantly.

[9:38pm] kittenmichael: the captain is my best friend. we should set them up. he needs to get laid.

[9:40pm] lukehatesu: my friend would love to bang yours

[9:41pm] kittenmichael: i ship it already

[9:43pm] lukehatesu: you need to stay off tumblr

[9:44pm] kittenmichael: don't tell me what to do luke


possible cashton?? maybe who knows.

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