your eyes are the size of the moon

145 7 4

chapter title from panic! at the disco's "nine in the afternoon" aka the best song ever. this chapter sucks just fyi and is hella short bc acts and ugh


Luke almost ran into Calum again the day after the game.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." Calum said while steading Luke with his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm terribly clumsy." Luke said shyly.

"I can tell. Hey, I've got to run but here's my number," Calum pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and a pen. "You seem cool. We should hang out sometime." He put the paper into Luke's hand, gave him a smile, and left. Luke put the paper into his pocket and continued his walk to class. He had chemistry with Ashton again.

"I got you Calum's number." He said as he sat down next to the curly haired boy.
"Woah really?" Ashton asked in surprise.

The faith he has in me is astonishing.

"The surprise in your voice does not please me." He said dryly. Ashton rolled his eyes and put a paper in front of his face.

"Can you help me with this? I'm pretty sure I got most of the answers wrong."
Luke observed the paper and said,

"Number 2 isn't 4 it's 5 significant figures. You still count the zero in 6.9202."

"Ohhhhh." Ashton said with realization. He took the paper back and changed the answer. "Anything else?"

"Uh yeah in number 4 you don't count any of the zeros so instead of 6 significant figures there's only 3. Leading zeros do not count as significant figures."

"Wow I'm dumb."

"Maybe a bit." Luke said cheekily. 


Luke had lunch 6th period. Sadly he did not have it with Ashton but he had it with Harry and Zayn and they were cool.

He sat down next to Zayn and began to pick at his lunch. 

School lunch was disgusting as shit.

"Is this even edible?" Zayn asked picking at what Luke thought was meatloaf. He turned to Luke and made a disgusted face. Luke chuckled and shook his head.

"Be careful. I heard that the meatloaf is poisoned." a voice behind them said.

"Shut up Harry." said Zayn, not even bothering to look behind him.

"You're mean." Harry came to sit in front of them, pouting.

"Oh you know he doesn't mean it."

Harry and Zayn have been best friends since year 7. They were practically brothers.

"You know I love you Haz." Zayn said smiling. 

"I know, I love you too." Harry said smiling back.

"Your cuteness disgusts me." Luke said gagging. 

"You and Ashton are the same way!" Harry accused.

"Yeah your guys' cuddling sessions are getting ridiculous." Zayn said knowingly.

"I just like cuddles." Luke said defensively, sinking down in his seat.

It wasn't his fault that Ashton was really warm and comfortable.

"You're so gay it hurts sometimes." Harry said laughing.

"Shut up you're gayer than me. Mr. Istickmytonguedownlouisthroateveryday my eyes can't take much more of that."

His comment resulted in a fork being flung at his head.

coughs would u guys hate me if I made luke end up with calum?

joking that probably won't happen bc muke is otp 5eva

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