Chapter Five

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"why don't you slip into this gown while I go locate the ultrasound technician." he suggested, leaving Kip and I alone. Kip was quick to help me out of my outfit, "I don't know what I'd do without you, sweetness." I said, softly. I was so appreciative of my loving husband. His support, love and patience meant everything to me. "you know, I love you." he replied, the technician came walking in just as I sat upon the table. "Let's have a look at this baby, shall we?" she said, gently applying the goo onto my abdomen. I was a roller coaster of emotions, anxious, nervous, happy, thankful, you name it. 

Suddenly, it became too much and the pregnancy hormones kicked in, I lay there sobbing hysterically. Kip reach over, caressing my cheek with his thumb, wiping away my tears with his lips. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm right here, baby. Everything is fine." "Oh, Kip. ." I sighed, through tears. "I know. . . I know." he whispered, his soft velvet-smooth fingers wove through my hair as I buried my head into the crook of his neck. 

Just then, the technician gasped, "Oh, My! Well, will you look at that. . ." "What is it, Oh, dear god, Kip is something wrong with the baby? Oh, lord have mercy, no!" I continued to cry. My worst fear had come true, my baby wasn't going to make it. "No, no, honey, everything is fine. It seems our babies are playing a game of hide and seek!" he exclaimed, excitedly. Wait, did he just say 'babies' as in more than one? "What?!" I yelled, in confusion. "Baby, were having. . . . . ." "TWINS!" Dr Chamberlain bursts through the door, cutting Kip off mid-sentence. 

As soon as those five words escaped his mouth I shot a look to Kip in utter disbelief and surprise. I couldn't believe it, not only had god blessed me twice in a lifetime, having met the love of my life and carrying his child but three times the charm. To think, that there's apart of Kip and I within these two beautiful fetuses growing inside me was a feeling not even he or I could describe, it was sheer bliss at best. "honey, to celebrate we should have a Gender Reveal party, invite the band and all of our friends." I suggested, clearly over the moon. "Babe, that's a great idea we'll all find out together." he replied, kissing my lips. I smiled into it, tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. "I love you so much." he whispered, tangling his hands in my hair once more. "I love you more, babe." "not possible. ." he breathed against my skin. 

Once again, our moment of joy was politely interuppted, "Ah-hem." Dr. Chamberlain cleared his throat, "Pardon the interupption Mr. and Mrs. Winger, the tech has your ultrasound photos on the desk in our lab room right behind those doors." He signaled, "so, if you will, Mrs. Winger, please remove the petrollium jelly from your stomach and get dressed she will see you both to them and on out." he replied, leaving us with a smile. I took a towel from the basket to the left and wiped off the excess 'goo' as I call it. Kip rushed to my side in an instant, helping me off of the table and onto my feet. "sweetheart, please, get me out of this eye sore of a hospital gown." I begged, annoyed. Kip chuckled lightly, as he lifted the hideous fabric over my head sending it landing to the floor. "I know, you're uncomfortable, irritable and for lack of a better word, grouchy, haha. But, life just doesn't get any better than this right now. We have our son and our daughter to look forward too, God, I love you." "I love you, too. oh, my goodness, now were gonna need 2 of everything and a more spacious place to live." I was hysterical. "she's crying tears of joy." Kip joked, trying to lighten the mood. I nudged his forearm, "Babe!" "Sorry. . ." he said, "come on, let's get those photos so we can show them to everyone at the party." 

We met with the tech who handed them to us as we exited the hospital, I was more than thankful but all I could think about was how on earth was I going to handle two children once Kip began touring/recording with the band again. The break had been nice but the reality is lonesome and tears me to shreds. I may have gained two beautiful lives but I've lost a full-time husband. Now, I wonder whether or not our marriage is strong enough to last.    

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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