Chapter One

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"I have something I need to tell you, baby." I said, over our candle lit dinner.

"what is it, babe?" Kip replied.

I let out a sigh while putting a gentle hand on my stomach.

"I'm pregnant." I replied.

"you're what, baby?" he replied, as if he didn't hear me clearly the first time.

"I'm pregnant, Kip, and it's yours." I replied, with a small smile.

"wait, how, when, where?" he asked, surprised.

I was shocked at the fact that he hadn't remember our moment of passion, I for one, couldn't forget it!

"well, you see, babe when two people really love eachother..." I trailed off, giggling.

"I know that part." he replied, smirking at me, with a wink.

"anyway, it was the day of your final show at Rupp, Ang and Reb had went out on a 'terrible date' at Tenth Frame bowling afterwards, and you and I decided to stay in while Paul and Rod sauntered off to pick up single women. " I replied, earning a strike of rememberance from him, as he replied,

"oh okay, yeah.... that day was oh so good! perfect." he replied, licking his lucious full lips, biting down on his bottom lip, and smiling.

"yes, my love. that it was." I replied, kissing his lips tenderly.

"so, did you take a test?" he asked, as we pulled away.

"yes, babe, I took 2 just to be sure. they were both positive. your going to be a daddy." I replied, with excitement.

"oh, baby, I've never been happier. I can't wait to meet our little one." he replied, picking me up from my seated postion at the table, tossing me into his arms, and kissing my lips passionately.

"what are we going to name this little tike, baby?" I replied, letting him choose the name first hand before me.

"well, baby, you know, I  think that if it's a boy we should name him Preston Scott Winger." he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"and, if it's a girl?" I asked, rubbing my stomach gently.  

"I'll let you choose that one, baby." he replied, softly.

"Madalaine Elizabeth Winger." I replied, hugging him tightly.

"perfect, babe, I love you, and our little one." he replied, as we headed out of the restaurant, picking up the check, paying for dinner on our way out.


we strolled hand in hand through the cool night air, I was getting abit cold due to the tempurature dropping a few degrees since we had left the resturant, Kip draped his leather jacket over my petite body, and kissed my forehead, his right hand weaving gently through my hair.

"can't have my babies getting cold now, can I. " he said, whispering into my ear.

"mmmm, no, sure can't, babe." I replied, laying my head onto his shoulder, nuzzling closely to the crook of his neck, taking in his divine scent. he smelled of Stetson colonge, which was my favorite, and he knew it.

"mmm, you smell so good, babe." I replied, kissing his neck, softly.

"oh, babe, I wore this for you, I know its your favorite scent." he replied, holding me close, in attempt to sheild me from the cold night air.

"I love it on you, its perfect." I replied.

"I know you do, you are perfect, my love." he replied, placing light kisses onto my lips.

"how on earth did I get so lucky, I'm married to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life and I've got a baby on the way, man, my life is beyond amazing right now, and I love you more than you could ever know." he replied, sighing heavily with happiness written all across his gorgeous face.

"no, baby, I'm the lucky one. you are everything I've ever wanted and more and I couldn't love you anymore if I tried." I replied, carressing his jawline, with the touch of my stiffend fingertips.  

he smiled softly, and kissed my hand, as we made it to the revolving door of the hotel to pack our things and return home from our week of wedded bliss.

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