Chapter Three

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I woke up before Kip, I lay there next to him, smiling to myself.

he was perfect, not only was he absolutely gorgeous but, he was such a gentle, caring, loving human being. I still couldn't believe he and I were husband and wife, it all seemed too good to be true, and yet, it was reality.

He was mine and I his until death do us part.

I looked down, underneath the blanket and began to talk to the growing fetus inside me, according to doctors, babies can hear everything from inside the womb.

I whispered, "hi, there, little one. I'm not sure if you are a boy or a girl just yet, but, know that daddy and I love you more than anything and will always be there for you to protect you no matter what."

Kip must have been listening to my conversation with our unborn child while still sleeping because he mumbled an 'I love you both' and held me firmly against his warm chest.

Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I winced in pain.

"Kip, sweetheart, are you awake? The baby is kicking." I said softly, turning to face him.

his eyes flew open as a smile grew wide on his face, "babe, you can feel it, if you want. you won't hurt us, it's okay." I said, as I knew he would be hesitant to touch me.

"are you sure, I mean, I've never had a preganant wife before." he stated, nervously, as he put a hand at the top of my stomach.

"haha, well, now you do and yes, I am sure." I replied, "but, honey, it's not up here it's right here, down here. . .  " I guided his hand to my lower abdomen.

"oh, sorry, baby."  he chuckled lightly as he felt it kick once, twice, three times.

it was painful, but, I tried to smile because this was the first time we both felt it moving together.

"you know, I think this little tike is as ready to be home as we are." I said, as Kip got up out of bed and ran over to my side, slid the blanket off and helped me to my feet.

I was starting to show and it was getting harder for me to do things on my own like, getting out of bed, walking a fairly long ways, tying my shoes. although, I was still quite pleased that I could see my feet, I had a feeling that will not last too long though.

once Kip helped me up, he kissed my lips softly and headed off into the bathroom to freshen up before we left.

I sighed heavily and began to finish packing.

I went over to the other bed, and picked up the remainder of clothing, tossed it into the bags that sat on the floor.

being pregnant, I have blinding back pain from time to time, so when I bend over it really hurts.

I finished packing and sat the bags by the door as I shouted, "honey, couldn't you have gotten a cart!"

"sweetheart, I did get one, it's in the other room!" he replied.

I huffed in frustration, "now you tell me." I said as I saw the cart.

I walked over and rolled it back to our suite as leaning on it, relieved the aching pain in my lower back.

Kip came out of the bathroom as I put our bags on it, and sat on the edge of the bed reaching a hand behind me to rub my back.

"sweetheart, I would've done that, in you're condition, you are in no shape for such strenuous activity." he said, softly.

"I know, but, it's okay, it's all done. now, we can leave." I said, with a sigh.

he sat down next to me and whispered, "when we get home, I promise, I'll give you a massage and we'll take a nice hot bubble bath together. It's been a tough few days for both of us so, that's what we need."

"mmm, yes, it has. I would love that, honey, thank you." I replied, pecking his cheek.

"you're welcome, my love, after all, you deserve it, we deserve it." he replied, as we headed downstairs, cart of bags in tow.

we took the elevator from the third floor to the lobby and turned in our suite key to Marianne, at the front desk.

"leaving so soon, love birds?" she asked.

"yeah, I think a week is long enough for a honeymoon." I replied, looking at Kip, "besides, we've got a baby on the way, so, were more than ready to be at home. "

"a baby, wow, congratulations! boy or girl?" she replied, happily.

"we don't know yet, we want it to be a surprise." Kip replied, squeezing my hand lovingly.

"well, you two we'll see you soon, don't forget to send ol' Marianne an invitation to the shower." she replied, waving goodbye as we walked our bags out to Kip's awaiting car.

"of course, you're coming, marianne. it wouldn't be a shower without our favorite desk clerk in attendance." I winked with a small smile.

she blushed, "oh you, go on, go be married and motherly ."

"bye, marianne." I said, one last time before walking out the revolving door and stepping into the passenger side of Kip's car, I graciously thanked the valet and we drove off in route to our home in LA, finally.

I sighed heavily in relief as I looked at Kip. "doctor's appointment, we need to make one first thing when we get there." he said, reminding me, it's a good thing he did because I had forgotten all about it.

"oh yes, thank you for reminding me, babe." I said, as I interlaced our fingers. 

neither of us could wait to find out whether this little person growing inside my stomach was a boy or a girl.

a pink or blue nursery. . .  

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