Chapter Four

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The honeymoon was officially over and with the news of the baby, reality began to set in.

there was alot to be done in the following months, making doctor's appointments, planning the baby shower, getting the nursery ready.

I was relieved to have Kip around more often so that I didn't have to do all of this by myself like I had when we decided to get married.

were in the process of making the first of many doctor's appointments we got back to LA a few hours ago, not bothering to unpack and haven't been off of the phone since.

"Hello, is this Dr. Chamberlain's office?" I asked, as Kip sat down next to me on the couch, pulling my hand into his.

"Yes, ma'am, how may I help you?" said Mandy, the receptionist on the other end of the line.

I bit my nails and sighed. "Ummm, this is Bridget Winger, I'm calling to make an appointment for a comformation and an ultrasound with Dr. Chamberlain." I replied, anxiously.

"Okay, we have tommorow at 2pm available, is that good for you?" she asked, as I listened to the sound of her fingers tapping on the keyboard of a computer.

"Yes, that's fine, thank you." I replied, with a smile.

"Alright, let me get you penciled into our database here, one second..." she trailed off.

"You're all set, Bridget. we'll see you tommorow, have a nice day, goodbye." she replied, as I hang up, handing the phone to Kip.

"First appointment is made for tommorow, now, it's your turn to call and register us for nesscessities  and things at 'Babies R Us'. I said softly as he began to dial.

"Shh, quite babe." he replied, putting a finger to my lips. "I'm on the phone with someone from the newborn department now."

"Hello, yes, this is Kip Winger, my wife and I are expecting and would like to register to put some things on hold." he spoke sweetly into the reciever to an employee.

"Okay, Mr. Winger, what would you and the Mrs. like us to hold for you?"

"Ummm, well, let's see, honey, we need a crib, a changing table, a bassenette and a dresser for now." he replied.

"Okay, they're listed and reserved you may pick them up whenever." she replied.

"Alright, great, thank you." Kip said, as he hung up the phone.

"Your Welcome, Sir. Goodbye and Congratulations." she replied.

"So, Kipper, how about that bubble bath massage you promised back at the suite?" I winked, breaking the momentary silence.

he got off of the couch gently pulling me with him taking my hand and lead us into the bathroom.

"Let's do it." he said, kissing my lips passionately as I attempted to undress.

"Baby, help me, please!" I shouted, pulling my shirt halfway over my head before getting lost underneath it.

Kip was laughing at me. "Kip Winger, get your behind over here and take this shirt off of me and quit laughing!" I shouted, in frustration.

"Okay, Okay, Baby, I'm coming. Here..." he trailed off, removing my shirt then my maternity pants, hideous as they were I had to wear them.

"Hey, watch that elastic waist band, I wouldn't want it to come back and whack you in the head." I joked, as he pulled them off slowly along with everything else.

"Relax, baby, I got this." he replied.

"If you say so, honey."

once undressed we stepped into the hot bubble bath.

I sat there in the tub for a minute, taking in the warmth of the water, sighing heavily.

Kip nipped at my bare skin lightly running his hands slowly down my back, I leaned into him as his hands roamed my body.

The feeling of his fingertips touching my aching bones was more than relaxing, it was intoxicating, I couldn't control the urge that burned deep down inside me any longer.

I wove my hands through his hair as our lips found eachother, crashing into a passionately heated kiss.

I bit down on his bottom lip as he pulled away. "Wait, here, now..."

"Do you remember what I said about not wanting to hurt the baby or you..." he breathed.

"Yes, Kip, I do, but you and I both know we need this. Besides, we might as well enjoy eachother now before this one shows up." I replied, pointing to my stomach.

"Screw it!" he said, as his lips found mine once more, his tongue begging for entrance.

I obliged as he explored my mouth, his hands found the sensitive spot between my legs as he began to tease me, my nerves throbbing at his instant touch, I moaned helplessly.

The next morning, I was nervous. Today was my doctor's appointment, I kept busy all day, blocking out all of the 'what if's' I had in my mind. 'what if there's something wrong with my baby', 'what if Kip doesn't love it as much as he thought he would', 'what if Kip rensents me over the pregnancy.'

Those thoughts sparked my anxiety and I was as anxious as I had ever been by the time 2pm rolled around.

I sat patiently in the waiting room filling out paperwork, alongside Kip. I guess he somehow sensed how nervous I was and he grasped my hand.

"Bridget Winger." a kind middle-aged woman called nicely. "Right this way, Dr. Chamberlain will be in shortly." she said, with a smile.

"Thank you." I replied.

It felt like hours before the doctor came through the door, but 15min. later he arrived. he was an older man with kind eyes that made me feel a little more at ease, I could tell by the way he talked that he was experienced, this was a relief to me, also.

"you're about two and a half months along." he said with a smile.  

Lucky One (Sequel To Spell I'm Under)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora