Chapter 3:CLAUBORD

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Dylan O'brien is Aiden just saying


Chapter 3:Claubord

Aubrey's POV

"Every guy has been on your back for the past few days"

"I fucking hate it"

"Come on don't be so dull don't you like hot guys chasing you"

"Okay first they aren't all hot, two they can have some sort of tact, they're all direct and blunt it's very unattractive and three, I'm not the type of girl waiting around to fall in love, nor do I think I want to ."

"Then have fun with it after all it's not like you don't have a mate"

"If someone did that and I was mate-less I wouldn't hesitate to have some fun with it"Gloria smiled and then I noticed Aiden didn't react to her statement he was just staring off.

"But I do have a mate"Gloria said,Aiden snapped back at laid his arm on her shoulder.We were all at the grill

"And I am happy because of it"Gloria smiled and kissed him.Aiden still not knowing the context of this conversation,smiled anyway.Clifford never told me about it and I had a sudden urge to find out

"Where's Cliff?"

"Is that your nickname for him"Gloria said

"you two are like an item"Aiden said

"Two things.Who says item anymore.And no we aren't an item we aren't anything besides friends"

"Why with these bullet point lists."Aiden said.

"Whatever where is he I need to talk to him"I said. What the hell did they mean an item. Okay yes I sensed some form of chemistry between Clifford and I, a few stolen glances I'd say, but nothing else. The chemistry was there but I doubt either one of us would act on it.

"He is outside dealing with Baeta reasons."

"He works too hard"I said

"Yeah but Dylan works harder, he has been gone for like a month missing school and everything"Gloria said

"He is Alpha"Aiden huffed

"So he needs to have fun."Gloria said

"He can't even spend time with his mate"i argued

"He doesn't have a mate"Aiden answered

"What about Bianca?"I said

"Bianca Tanner? She's a Renegade"

"What's the mean?"I asked

"She ditched her pack to be on her own, Renegades can't be with Alphas."

"Why if they're mates?"I asked

"Touch luck. Renegades don't want to be governed by their alphas they don't get the security that it provides."Gloria said. I didn't certainly feel the same way about that. Aiden shuffled his feet uncomfortably the conversation flatlining. Was that what my mom and I were? Renegades? People with no pack people not governed by an Alpha?

"Well he is supposedly coming back Saturday"I said

"Nope"Aiden said stuffing his hands in his pockets


"I think it's tomorrow"Aiden said

"He needs to get his shit together and choose a proper date"I huffed

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