Chapter 4: Girl Talk

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Chapter 4: Girl Talk


I grabbed at less three days' worth of clothes for our new little princess as I carried them to Jack's room for his new prize. Half of me was pissed at him, that he made that stupid deal to get these powers that are slowly making him lose his mind. But I know that's not the whole reason, I was mad because he didn't pick me. I know I'm over him, his nothing but a bastard, who just wanted me to keep him from not being lonely and order around, but still, he's my best friend and I care way too much for him. The only reason I stay on this ship is because to me, my best friend is still in there. The man I love might have died a long time ago but really, I don't think I knew love until I meet Eugene, Flynn I guess now. But to me, he will always be Eugene and I'll never forget the day I meet him.


"Get what you need and be back on the ship in twenty minutes!" I hear Jack yell as I jumped off the ship and walked into the small town we stopped in. It's been a year since Jack's mother Odette died and I think a little of Captain Frost died with her. Jack's father Captain Ben Frost still runs the ship but Jack has been first mate since that night he changed, the night he told me his heart stopped. To me, it seems liked the Captain has been getting sick; I could hear him coughing from Jack's room on the night I stayed with him.

I stayed with Jack almost every night now for about three years, at first I thought it was because he finally had feelings with me and wanted to be with me but... It wasn't. My heart broke when Jack told me he would never love me, that he just used me. I remember I just wanted to jump off the ship and join my father in Davy Jones' Locker but I knew my father wouldn't want that from me, he would have wanted me to live my life to the fullest to try and be happy which I am. To this day, I still didn't know why I stayed with him at night, if it was the reason that I was also lonely at night or maybe it's to numb the pain of losing my father. Whatever it was, it made me want to be with Jack to comfort him and myself.

I keep walking into town just trying to find the blacksmith that has my new sword that was the one nice thing about Jack using me, he always gets me something new to keep my mouth quiet and not tell anyone about what we do behind closes doors. I finally found the shop as I look at the clock tower to see I have about ten minutes left before I have to head back to the ship. "You've stolen from us for the last time Fitzherbert!" I hear as I open the door to the shop. I close it and look around to see where the yelling was coming from. "Stolen form you? Oh come now boys, why would I steal form you?" I hear a deep voice says as I start to walk to find where this fight was happening. I turn a corner and I see three men talking. I hide behind the corner so they don't see me and so I can hear what is happening.

Two of the men were twins that were big and mean looking that would stop anyone dead in their tracks. I watch as one of them grabs the third man by the throat. The third man was pretty good look, I mean he was dirty, and he look pretty beat up from these two goons. "Now you're lying to us, you really think you could talk your way out of this one? You know what happens when people steal from us." I hear the man who was holding the third guy. The third guy shrugs before he lowers his eyes, "Do your worse." He said before I see the guy holding him throw a punch before he drops the third guy.

I could feel my breath get caught in my throat as I watch these twins beat up this guy, but I knew if I even try to help, I could get killed or worse. Finally I hear one of the boys laugh as he spits on the beat up man. "That'll teach you boy." One of the twins says as they start to walk up to me. I quickly go to the door of the Blacksmith to look like I just happened to walk by; the twins didn't even take a second glance at me as they walk by. After they were out of sight, I quickly run back to the alleyway to see the man lying on the ground, blood around him. I drop to my knees by him and place my hand on his neck to feel a pulse. At first I didn't feel anything, until I felt a very slow and weak pulse under my fingertip.

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