Chapter 10: Wedding Bells

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Chapter 10: Wedding Bells


I still had power... How did I still how power? I place my hand over my heart feeling it beat again, it felt so good to have my heart beat again. To feel love, kindness and the warmth that Elsa gives me when I hold her in my arms just like I am doing right now. "What do you think it means Jack? To still have power?" She asks as she laid her head on my chest listening to my heart. Half of me wanted to tell her I wanted it gone, to never have this damn power again. But then... If I did, she would have to go back to the ocean. "I don't know. I thought my powers would go away if my heart started to beat again, I don't know what happened. But I can't say I'm not thankful for it still being there." I say as I look down at her.

I keep moving my hand up and down her arm just watching her lay on me, how could it taken me this long to tell her I love her? "Why are you thankful? That power drove you mad." She says as she sits up to look at me making me wish she didn't. I smile as I pull her into my lap, her back on my chest as I look at her hands that fit perfectly with mine. "I'm thankful because, if I still have some power, it means I can still have you here on land. If I lost my power, you'd have to be back in the sea, I wouldn't know how long I would see you again." I say my voice in an almost panic, I couldn't lose her after she told me she wanted to stay with me. I could Elsa giggle, "You're such a worry wart since you got your powers back, it makes me smile." I roll my eyes, when did I become such a wimp?

I place my head on top of her's, I'm just a wimp around her, she makes me weak, but she just makes me weak in the knees. I just want to marry her right now. I feel my eyes widen, "Elsa." I say as I make her look at me. "What?" She ask her smile which makes me smile and I can feel my smile grow as I see that ring on her finger. I left up her hand, "Let's get married! Tonight!" I see her eyes widen, "Are you insane Jack? Why do you want to get married so fast?" She ask worry in her voice but her eyes screamed that she wanted it as much as I did. "Come on Els... what are we waiting for?" I ask as I squeeze her hand, "I love you, you love me, I don't see why we should wait?" I ask.

I watch as she starts to think about it, I could tell she was concentrating long and hard on it. Until I see a smile go on her face, "You're right, we've waited eleven years, why wait any longer?" She says as I pull her in and kiss her softly but it didn't last long as she pulls away. "Oh! I have a lot to do! I need to go talk to Punzel.... Oh and I need my sister, I need to find somehow to tell her." I smile to myself as she gets out of my arms and stands. "Alright, go do what you need to do, just..." I stand with her and put my arms around her, "Meet me at the docks before sundown, we'll get married there so your sister and your father can be there, I want to do whatever I can to make you happy." I say as I kiss her cheek. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" I hear her ask as she pulls my arms closer to her chest.

"I could ask you the same thing." I whisper as she pulls away and turns to look at me. "Most be the work of the Gods." Elsa says as we touch foreheads, "It must be." I say as I kiss her forehead, "Now go, I'll see you soon." I say as I push her to the door. "Alright, alright I'm going. Oh, take this. Give it to me at the dock when we say our vows." She says as she gives me her ring. "I'll see you soon." She says as she opens the door and looks back at me, "I'll be the one in the white dress." Elsa says as she smiles before she closes the door behind her leaving me alone.

"Ah, young love." I hear behind me as I turn to see Scarlett sitting on the window seal looking at me. "What are you doing here?" I ask as she jumps from the seal and walks over to me. "I just wanted to say congrats." She says as she bows before her eyes shot up at me, "I mean before Master Pitch takes it all away from you." Scarlett says before she disappears. I raise my hands making ice go on my fingertips. I look around my room trying to find where Scarlett, watching all sides. "Over here handsome." I hear behind me as I turn and shot ice to see nothing behind me.

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