Chapter 6: One Drunk Night

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Chapter 6: One Drunk Night


"How long has she been in her room?" I hear Kirstoff and my father talking outside my room as I pull seaweed over my head. "About a week Sir." Kirstoff says. "A week, so since Elsa been kidnapped. I guess it make sense." My father says and I hear him sigh. I didn't want to hear them talk anymore, it just killed me more and more. It's been a week since Elsa was kidnapped, and my father's guards haven't found her or the boat that took her. How could a ship that big disappear form the sea? How could Elsa be gone for a week? "Please watch her for me Kristoff. I'll be gone for a few more days trying to find Elsa, we are going to look off the cost of Tortuga and look over there." I hear my father says making me sit up.

I quickly push off the seaweed and swim to the opening to see Kirstoff and my father, "Father." I say as I swim to them. Both of them looked at me giving me a look, a look of surprised that I got out of bed and worry because of how I must of look, eyes red from crying, hair a mess and no smile on my face. "Anna, you're up." Kirstoff say as he swims over to me. "How are feeling dear?" My father ask. I push Kristoff away and swim to my father, "I want to go to Tortuga with you." I say putting on my brave face. "No Anna, it's to dangerous, we both know that's where Pitch lives." My father says as he puts his hands on my shoulders, "The only reason I'm going to Tortuga is because that's where pirates go, and that's who took Elsa."

I could feel more tears go into my eyes, Father, please let me help, I can't just sit around here and cry anymore. I want to find Elsa. I bag my father as I put my hands together like I was praying. I watch as my father looks at me, then at Kirstoff then back to me again. "I'm sorry Anna but I just can't have the risk of losing you and if something would to happen to me, you will have to rule this kingdom." My father say making my shoulders go down, "Please for me, for this kingdom, for Elsa... Stay here." My father says as he lets go of my shoulder and looks back at Kristoff. I could tell that he was talking to him telepathically, something he didn't want me to hear.

I see Kristoff's eyes widen before he nods and look at me, "Understood Sir." I see my father nod back as he kisses my forehead, "I'll be back soon." He says before he swims off leaving Kristoff and I alone. I look at Kirstoff, "What did he say to you?" I ask even though he wasn't looking at me. "He told me that if something happens, that I need to marry you, to watch over this kingdom with you." He says finally looking at me his eyes still in shock. I feel my cheeks get warm as I look away form him. "What a silly thought, nothing will happen to him, or to Elsa." I say as I start to swim back in my room. "Just you wait, they'll come back soon, and everything will be back to normal." I say as I keep swimming back to my bed.

"Anna wait." I hear behind me making me stop. "Do you not want to marry me?" I hear behind me making my body shake. "It's not that Kristoff... I want to marry you. I love you but... I feel like if we marry now..." I start to say but the words just won't come out now. "Anna?" I hear as I feel him touch my shoulder making me turn to him, "If I marry you now, it means my family is dead! And... I don't want to think that! Because it won't happen." I yell as I use the back of my hand to push the tears away form my face. "Anna...." He coos my name. "No Kristoff... I don't want that to be the reason we marry, I want us to marry because we love each other, not so we have a king!" I yell as I feel him quickly grab me and pull me in a hug.

"That won't happen. When I marry you, it will be because I love you. Because I love you so much Anna. With all my heart." He says as he buries his face in my hair. I couldn't help but cry into his chest.

I don't know what I was going to do anymore.

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