Cold Extraction-

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    July 17th 2552-
   Spartan Cali, F-028; and Spartan Bon, F-043 were a pair of headhunters. They have, for the last few weeks, been operating mainly as a test. To preserve the squad of three, Theta team. Now, it was show time, and they were ready for anything at this point.

   It had been only seven days since General Statin's termination, and Theta team was looking worse than they had then. This was a huge drop in their pay, considering they contracted a year with Theta, and a single mission before forced closure caused by critical damage done to either teams, no exceptions. Technically, they still hadn't done a single collaborate mission, and Theta team were already laying on their death beds. Or so, that's what they wanted the public eye to think. Bon and Cali went about their acting, pretending to be worried for the team of three.

   "What now?" Cali asked the obvious, but the answer wasn't quite so.

   "I...I don't know. We'll see what ONI has to say about the matter," Bon nodded, looking down at Micheal.

   "What do you think they'll say?"

   Bon made his voice lower pitched as if to mimic ONI officials,"Exterminate them!" He pointed to the team,"And, geese, get this kid a sandwich!" He poked Cali in the stomach, knowing damn well that they were just procrastinating the awful job they had.

   She laughed and poked him back,"And feed him a horse, it looks like he could benefit the fat, eh?" It was a running joke between them ever since the day they met at Basic Training. As basic as it was for Spartans, at least. They were fortunate enough to have a D.I. who actually cared for them that day, and that's exactly the first words that came out of his mouth to the children. It was a strange tactic, obviously being used to give them a motivation in a less...loud way than the other D.I.'s used. That's what made them want to be the best, because if they acted the best, they got treated the best. that was their motivation! 

   Bon was sitting on the ground next to Cali in the best hospital HQ on Reach that the UNSC offered, on the "bedside" of Micheal and the others. If they literally sat on the bed or any chairs, then they would have flattened them out as smoothly as a pancake. Bon thought that they seemed awkward sitting on the floor even if this was a military operated medical base where nothing seemed unnatural. Bon thought that they should have made specific chairs for the Spartans, considering the fact that this is where they got operated on Reach during training. ONI thought that training a batch of Spartan III's where the II's were trained was a good idea, a form of good luck, or something? Bon wasn't exactly sure.  

   "Alright, time isn't with us right now. You know what to do..."Bon said, getting out of his position on the ground. 

   "Damn ONI...I hate myself for this. There's no way feeling good after something like this. Okay, i'm ready." She said, getting eye level with Bon, staring at him in his face plate as if she were studying him.

   Bon nodded, pulled out his magnum, attached the EMP destabilizers to it it. The EMP destabilizer attachment made no physical impact if fired upon a target, but acted as an EMP, immediately reverse engineering the damage in a matter of a second. But the UNSC alerts in the life-supports were faster, so they had to act and extract as quickly as they could.   

   Bon pulled the trigger as fast as he could against all the life support units, then quickly but cautiously picked all the blood and IV units attached to Micheal and Tyron. He lifted them; Cali already standing guard at the door with Shultz. The quietness filling the room was eerie to Bon, considering the fact that he knew that in a room somewhere near by, about a thousand alarms were going off, warning that something had happened to the three marines. He guessed that, in about a minute or two, a bunch of armed guards would come and intercept them...that couldn't happen, otherwise, they were screwed. 

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