Chapter 15

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What do I do now? Should I go talk to them or should I wait till they come to me? They are both so angry at me right now, but I have every right to be mad at them to. They justify their actions by saying they are protecting me, however not telling them was my way of protecting myself. I'm still worried about what they are going to do now that they know. We were suppose to leave next weekend to go see my family. I wonder if they will still let me go. I contemplate all these things with tear stained cheeks curled up against the wall looking at the door they had walked out of.

I slowly pulled myself off the ground. I was going to go to the room I stayed in when I first got here. I think it would be best if we didnt see each other for the rest of today. My head was ringing most likely from the stress and crying. I should drink some water that usually helps. Once I had walked up the stairs to the floor the rooms were on I saw Queen Liara enter the hallway appearing to be searching for something. When she saw me she made her way to me and embraced me into her arms. I stood there confused about her actions. She pulled away and brushed her thumb across my cheek.

"I heard what happened we should talk," before I could respond she grabbed my hand and began to lead me to into a day room.

I sat down on the a chair next to a large window overlooking vas backyard. Liara sat in the chair next to me with a concerned look on her face. I couldnt really hold eye contact with her for more then a few seconds before they would move to my fidgeting hands. Just looking at her made me want to start crying again.

"Evelyn I know right now your emotions are probably all mixed together and you dont really know how to process them all right now so just hear me out before you do anything. My sons arent always the best at explaining themselves, they are a lot like their father in that way. Your probably angry that they didn't tell you about the threat against you from sovereign. I don't agree with them not telling you, but I can understand some of the reasons why. They told you it was for your protection but I believe they chose to keep you in the dark for their own protection," Liara explained

For their protection? How is not telling me about a threat against me protecting them? Liara saw the confusion on my face and continued.

"I know that probably doesn't make a lot of sense but thats how they are. You are one of the most important things in their lives now. They wont admit it but they are terrified of anything happening to you. They haven't ever really had an intimate relationship with someone before and it looks as if they are trying to run your relationship similarly to the way they run the kingdom," She said looking into my eyes hoping that I would understand.

I had to stop myself from scoffing at what she said. I understand alright. I understand that those to are morons! A relationship doesn't run well with someone always in-charge. There needs to be some type of balance between partners. How could they think that if they treated this like some job that it would work well. 

"Well that's just stupid," I commented which caused Liara to start laughing  before grabbing one of my hands.

"I never said it was smart but its what they do. They've grown up learning how to be in-charge and now they don't do very well having to share that power. They even have a hard time sharing with each other. So give them time to get use to it but don't be afraid to hit them both on the head when they are being idiots," 

That last part made me laugh. I'm glad that I have someone to talk to that at least somewhats understands those two. I was really worried when I first came here that Liara would be that evil mother-in-law who didn't think I was good enough for sons. I'm happy that I we got to talk.

"So is it true? Am I going to be a grandma?" She asked with excitement laced all over her face.

"Yes it is," I say with a slight blush on my cheeks because we haven't even had the bonding ritual yet which is the normal time that most couples get pregnant. Getting pregnant before is usually frowned upon. Plus, there also the fact that if I had gotten pregnant here then it would be to early to tell. So she knows that it would have to of happened before which pretty much says that I slept with them the first time I met them making me a bit of a slut. 

"Well its about time! I been waiting for that news since the first culling that they went to," Liara throws her hands in the air. 

"I cant wait to decorate the nursery and start buying baby stuff! Its been too long since we've had a child running around. O I hope its twins or maybe triplets I just can't wait!" 

Twins? Triplets? A no thank you I don't even know how I'm going to deal with one baby and she wants me to have multiple? I just sit there smiling and laughing nervously at her wondering when she will finish her excited rambling.

"Aw where are my manners here I am just going on and on when I haven't even asked how you are handling it. How are you with all of this?"

"I a.... To be honest I don't really know how to handle all of this," my voice got quieter the more I spoke. 

"O sweetie that's to be expected. It's your first one and you haven't fully bonded with the boys yet. When I first found out I was pregnant with the boys I was a bit freaked out as well. Its scary becoming a mom. You are always going to be worrying if you're doing something wrong that will end up screwing the kid up, but you have to remember that your'e not perfect. You will make a lot of mistakes but you don't have to raise this child alone. Let Dean and Luca in. Trust that they will be there to help you with whatever problems arise. If you do that then this child will turn out fine."

"Thank you Liara. I'll try but I cant be the only who's letting them in. They have to trust me to or I wont be able to do this," 

"You're right and their father is trying right now to get them to understand that. However, all of you need to talk and work out some stuff. Just wait for a few more hours before talking to them,"

I slowly nodded. I'm not sure how to respond because I really don't want to have to deal with a repeat of the last conversation I had with the guys.

"How about we get something to eat. You must be starving since I'm sure you haven't had anything since breakfast," Liara stood up and started towards the dinning room with me in tow.


Sorry it took forever and its kinda a short but this semester is killing me, but here is a chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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