Chapter 10

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This Must Be My Dream | The 1975

Throughout our entire time together, Zayn always seemed to have some type of surprise up his sleeve. Usually they were spur of the moment surprises, ones that came completely out of the blue, and some that happened simply because he felt like it, but this time it was a surprise I'd been ready and waiting for, one that had me wondering and anxious about from the moment I knew about it.

Zayn's soft hands, cold from the air conditioning circulating throughout our home (because for some reason my body temperature seemed to fluctuate often lately, and today I'd been feeling a bit warm so the air had been turned on full blast despite Zayn's adamant protests for it not to be 'so damn cold', as he'd previously whined to me) covered my eyes for the moment while he carefully guided me forward as we took tentative, small steps. There was an excited smoke dancing on my lips, a streak of giddiness passing through my body, and it felt like I'd been waiting years for him to finally let me see what I'd been dying to be shown for a full week now, even though it'd only been not even five minutes that passed.

I felt one hand that was placed over my eyes move down to my waist, Zayn's fingers giving my hip a slight squeeze before his voice started to fill the area where we stood. "Okay," he said and I could hear the eagerness laced within his words. "Wait here just a second and don't open your eyes yet. 'M just gonna get the door open, yeah?"

I nodded enthusiastically, gently biting my lower lip because I was just a tad bit nervous after all. I mean, I was finally going to get a glimpse of the nursery Zayn had been working on decorating (y'know, since he was the one that won our little bet and all) for the past week, and it wasn't that I was afraid he hadn't done a good job, no. Because I trusted Zayn's artistic side more than I did my own, really, that was for sure. I was just mostly anxious to see what he'd decided to do with the room in the end. For the most part, I was so ready to see what good of a job he'd done. And I hadn't seen the nursery yet, no, but I already knew it looked amazing. I didn't think Zayn could pull off anything less than that.

I heard the door being let open, and soon enough I felt Zayn right back at my side again. This time both of his hands were placed on either side of my waist and he leaned closer until his lips were pressed against my cheek and he was speaking lowly in my ear. "Ready?" He asked me, and it was kind of silly for him to say such a thing. Of course I was ready.

"Mhm," I bobbed my head. "Yeah, ready."

And as soon as Zayn gave me the green light, my eyes were flying open and taking in the area around me.

Yellow was the color of the walls, bright and beautiful and light just like sunshine itself. There were white, fluffy clouds painted at the top of the walls, and a huge tree on one corner that took up half of the space. Flowers were sketched along the bottom, near where the floor and the wall cane together as one; an arrangement of pink tulips and lavender posies and milky white daisies that added a bit of color to the rest of the picture. Sketches of tall grass that were also stroked alongside the rest of the doodles, but there was one thing that seemed to stand out to me the most. A lone of yellow and black striped bumble bees trailed from the tops of the cloud to the assortment of flowers just below. Each one was painted so delicately, so nicely and detailed along with the rest of what was drawn on these very walls, and I couldn't believe that this was all Zayn's doing. And in such a short time, too. Once again, I was presented with nothing short of amazing, something so beautiful and thoughtful, but that was expected from the start, especially coming from my husband himself.

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