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Hey guys,

So I really didn't want to have to type this out and tell you guys this but I kind of have to at this point. Obviously it's been a while since I've updated anything and I'm truly sorry about that, I really am. I know it always takes me a long time to get a chapter out for you guys but I feel like this is the longest it's been. I wanna say the last time I updated anything was about 3 maybe 4 months ago (honestly idk) and during that time I admit that I have pretty much lost all motivation to continue writing.

I honestly haven't read any fan fiction at all in all these months and I literally used to read multiple a day. I barely even open the wattpad app anymore or go onto ao3 (which I was on a lot more than wattpad). I'm genuinely just not interested in fan fiction like I used to be. I really wish I was and truly I do try to make myself care about it these days but I legitimately have no interest, like reading/writing just doesn't hold my attention anymore like it used to.

Also, I feel like I've really grown out of it to be honest. I started my first fic back when I was like 15 or 16 and now I'm about to be 21 on Thursday. It's a phase I've come to realize that I've pretty much grown out of like people tend to do as they get older.

Anyway, I never wanted to leave these stories unfinished. I've grown so attached to every character I've created and each storyline I've come up with and I always will be. I'm not saying that I never won't finish my stories, but it's a strong possibility that this is the end of fanfic writing for me. I don't want to get your hopes up by saying that I'll definitely finish because I'm like 98% sure that I never will. I'm so sorry to everyone who's stuck with my stories, whether it be from the very beginning or later on, and I'm so sorry to everyone who was looking forward to seeing how my stories would end. I wish I was still interested in writing but I'm just not. Again, I apologize. I feel terrible about this — I'm so sorry.

Thank you to every follow, every read, every like, every comment you've ever given me. Thank you to those who have been with me since the very first chapter of January, thank you for letting that story reach over a million reads. Thank you for being interested in Cook Kids and for saying nothing but nice things about Comic. Thank you for loving January enough that you guys stuck around for the sequel. Thank you for ever message board post you guys have left me, every inbox, every story translation and everything else I've gotten from this app. I'll always be grateful for this website, there's a lot of memories I could never forget about wattpad. Again, I'm very sorry about this. Thank you so so SO much! I love you!

- yasmine ❤️

(p.s. yes I still love zayn and one direction and narry and will always support them even if I happen to grow out of them as well one day, too, lol. I'm seeing Harry in concert in October, again in 2018, Niall in November, and whenever Zayn finally decides to go on tour I'll be right there crying like an idiot in the audience with him. My dedication for them isn't going anywhere anytime soon ☺️)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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