Christmas Special Kisa and Yukina-Drunken Accident

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"Yukinaaaaa why are you so *hic* beautiful!" Says a very drunk Kisa-san.

I sigh as I opened the door to our apartment. Yes, our apartment, it feels so good saying that it's finally ours. Kisa-san gave me the surprise for my birthday all nervous and blushing. It was so adorable!

I look down at Kisa-san who started poking my cheek like a child.

"Why *hic* won't the sparkles go away! It's like a weapon *hic* trying to shoot anyone in their path. You won't defeat me sparkles!" He says raising his arm with triumph.

I had to stop myself from laughing at his cuteness. What sparkles is he talking about?

"Kisa-san I think you should change and go to sleep you're too drunk" I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"I'm not *hic* drunk! I only had 5 drinks! So I'm not drunk" he states with a smart tone.

Shaking my head, I carried the drunkard to his bedroom.

"I'm a pretty princess! Carry me to my chambers servant!" He says giggling as I set him down on his bed.

I wonder how much of this he would remember in the morning?

Everything seemed quiet for a moment. I looked down to see that Kisa-san had started breathing evenly with his eyes closed. A faint blush tainted his cheeks, probably from the alcohol.

I sigh happily and start changing his clothes into pajamas. I moved him toward his side of the bed and lay next to him draping the blanket over us. Kisa had unconsciously snuggled closer to me and I hugged him against my chest as I soon doze off to sleep with a smile on my face.

Kisa P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to be met by a pounding headache. How much did I have to drink last night? It couldn't have been that much right.

My eyes widened as I remember parts of the conversation I had with Yukina yesterday. That's so embarrassing! What is wrong with me?! I must be an awful drunk...

Panicking I unconsciously rolled to the side bumping into a chest. As I looked closely, there was a blue rose in front of my face and when I looked up I saw a dazzling smile on Yukina's face.

He hands me the rose and I look at him confused.

"What's this" I say standing up slowly and lean back against the headboard.

"Merry Christmas Kisa-san!" He says also handing me a wrapped box with a blue ribbon tied around it.

Right it's Christmas, yesterday we went to a drinking party at Marukawa. Wow the alcohol must have gotten to me.

I smile as I unwrapped the box carefully and open the box once all the wrapping is gone. When I opened it I found a framed painting of yukina and I smiling. As soon as I saw it my eyes started tearing up and jumped up to hug Yukina.

"It's the best present I've ever gotten thank you!" I say between sobs.

He rubs my back in a caring manner that sent butterflies to my stomach. As I lean back he looks at me smiling and wipes the tears away from my eyes.

"Merry Christmas Yukina!" I say climbing out of bed to get a wrapped box from underneath the bed. It was the perfect hideout for it since I figured Yukina wouldn't look under the bead.

I hand him over the box and he smiled at me curiously.

"You didn't have to Kisa-san" he says smiling and unwrapping the box.

"Shouta, K-kou you can call me Shouta at home remember?" I say blushing red.

As he looks into the box his eye widens and he looks at me smiling a bright dazzling smile that could almost blind me.

"Thank you Shouta! I love you" he says sweetly has he kisses me.

In the box was a light red scarf that goes well with Yukina's eyes. I noticed that he's been interested every time we go to the store but he never buys it so I figured I should give it to him for Christmas.

"I love you too Kou" I say smiling as I kiss him once more.

We spent the rest of Christmas Day cuddled up in each other's arms. Our first Christmas as we started living together has been the best and I can't wait to spend all the holidays with Kou.

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