Ritsu- Happy Birthday

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This past week I've been nothing but busy, but even while I was busy I noticed something strange in the office. Everyone was avoiding me! Even Kisa who tends to talk more than an old lady who gossips. That's not all even Haru and Aki have been avoiding me, my own family!

I live with Takano and I've noticed this strange coldness he has towards me. We barely spoke to each other, we didn't even make eye contact at all. He doesn't touch me or kiss me or even tease me. Is he getting tired of me? Is everyone getting tired of me?!! Like I don't even know what to think anymore!

To make it worst I woke up with yet again a cold empty bed. On my birthday! Which so happens I almost forgot it was my birthday until I saw the date on my alarm clock.

I chuckle weakly to myself and cover my eyes with my arm. "Happy birthday to me I guess" I sadly said to myself. Tears slowly flowed down my cheeks but I felt empty. Like I have cried so much internally that I can't feel a thing. Just numb with an aftertaste of salty tears.

I wipe away the tears quickly feeling pathetic. Who cares if they forgot my birthday! Who cares if he forgot my birthday while I remembered his! I'm a grown man! I shouldn't be making a big deal about someone forgetting my birthday.

With that thought in my mind I got up to get ready for work. To make things worst I have to deal with everyone yet again giving me the cold shoulder. I wish things were like before. What did I do? What changed?!?

Arriving at Marukawa couldn't have been more nerve wracking than public speaking. I'm shaking as I stand outside of the Emerald department debating whether I should just go home and pretend to be sick. Though I doubt that'd be believable at this point since people saw me here.

I slap myself weakly on my cheek. Pull yourself together Ritsu! You're here to work not to socialize, besides I'm here to try to prove that I can do better on my own. So worrying about what people think towards me isn't really going to help!

With that I decided to step into Emerald. Only to not be able to see a thing since it was all dark.

All of a sudden party poppers went off as the lights lit up. I jumped and screeched as everyone in Emerald cheered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONODERA!!!" I hear the chorus of people yelling.

I look up to see everyone smiling and the desks cleared of all work and instead has an emerald green tablecloth with a cake in the middle. Everyone was wearing ridiculous party hats and a table was set up with presents. Haru came up to me and put a hat on me that said birthday boy.

I was so speechless that I remained frozen on my spot.

"Wha-wha-whaaaat?! What is all this!!" I managed to say tearing up a bit.

"A surprise party duh!" Takano says behind me. He takes me by the hand and drags me to sit at the head of the table.

"But I thought you guys forgot" I say weakly, hiding my eyes behind my hair to hide my blush.

"Dummy we would never forget your birthday" Aki says smiling at me.

"Yeah! You're extremely important to us Ricchan! We would never forget such things!" Kisa added bouncing up and down on his chair.

"I am sorry that we ignored you though" Mino said apologetically.

"Yeah I thought that was a bit much" Hatori says seriously.

"Well if we hadn't done it that way some people were bound to crack and spoil everything" Takano says staring at Haru and Kisa as they laughed awkwardly.

"You're not wrong on that one" Kisa  agrees shaking his head.

"Do you not like the surprise babe?" Takano says worriedly.

Did he just call me babe? I blush even more now.

"I love it! I'm just chocked, thanks guys!!"  I say smiling up at them.

"KAWAIII" Haru, Aki, and Kisa yell at once.

I blushed even harder as Takano hugged me. "Leave him alone! You're embarrassing him even more"

"Takano-san I think you're making it worst" Mino says laughing.

"Well Ricchan blow out your candles and make a wish!" Kisa says pushing the cake closer to me.

I close my eyes and think of a wish. I wish to spend more amazing days with everyone as we are now and be able to become closer than we already are. I blew out the candles and everyone cheered.

"Happy birthday Onodera!!" They chorused once more

"Happy birthday my little Ritsu" Takano says smiling mischieviously
as he put a little bit of frosting on my nose.

"Hey!" I giggled as I rubbed it off of my nose.

He leaned down and kissed me slowly. And at that moment I couldn't have felt any greater than I already did. I can't believe that I'm surrounded by such great people who I think of as family now. And a great boyfriend who I love with all my heart. Happy birthday to me,
I will forever be grateful for this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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