Ritsu and Takano- Book Arguments

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Forget the whole thing I said last time about only two chapters today yeah no...I might as well put up the last chapter my past self has written too XD Especially since this one I really like so I hope you do too enjoy~ Also reminder the next chapter won't be up till March 27th cause there is a reason why but you'll probably figure it out :D

Ritsu P.O.V

Right now I wouldn't say I'm on speaking terms with Takano-san. Mr. Bossy got me really mad this morning. Why you may ask? Well we have to go back to this morning.


"Masamune did you read the book I lent you?" I ask curiously as I hand him the book he lent me.

Every week we switch books we would recommend to the other to make up for the 10 years we've been apart. Although we have similar tastes there are still some books that we read that are completely different.

He hands me the book with a serious face.

"It wasn't as good as I thought. The main character irritates me." He says with a bossy face.

"What?! It was really good! This is like my new obsession for the week" I say shocked.

"What did you think about the book I lent you?" He asks changing the subject as we started walking towards the elevator.

"It was good, but I feel like there were way too many kissing scenes" I say an eyebrow twitching.

"What seriously?! Those scenes are where the main character expresses her love for the guy! They can't always be together so she chooses to kiss him every time they could meet. Didn't you find it romantic?" He says looking at me with an affectionate stare after the elevator closed.

"The first two times yes. After that I just found it annoying" I say crossing my arms over my chest in thought. My bag hanging loosely over my shoulder.

"You don't know how to appreciate a good book" He says irritated.

"You're the one who can't appreciate a good book!" I countered.

"It was romantic!" He says sighing of exasperation.

"It was annoying!" I say back to him.

There was silence for a few seconds. From the corner of my eyes I saw an irritated look on Masamune's face. Although there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. Two can play at that game then.

I heard a sigh and slight chuckle from him.

"You're so childish" He says as we headed towards our department.

"Me childish?! You're the one that started it!" I say pretending to be slightly offended.

The arguments just kept going until we both sat down and got to work.

~Flashback Ends~

And that's where we are at now. He is too stubborn to give up this game he has started and I refuse to lose to him.

The office is empty, it's just the two of us left. They probably got fed up with us throwing things at each other. That and it was getting late.

I sigh and lean my head towards my hands, elbow resting on the table. I take a small glance at Takano to notice he was staring at me. Our eyes met and there was nothing but silence.

"Can you believe this started over a book?" He says smirking as he stands up and walks over to me.

"Yeah well you're so stubborn to let it go" I say tiredly.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay I was also too stubborn to let it go" I admitted with a sigh.

He smiles at me and leans down to give me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Seriously this happened because of a book?! You guys are ridiculous! You deprived me of my sleeping time. Shame on you!" Kisa yells from the doorway and then leaves storming out.

I merely laugh and continue to make out with my boyfriend. After all everything turned out quite fun if I got payback on Kisa for teasing me all those times ago.

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