Chapter 2: No Escape

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One Week Earlier...

Bellatrix Lestrange paced the pearly white marble floor of Malfoy Manor, flanked by Lucius and Narcissa, in front of the large congregation of Death Eaters.They were in the Main Hall, which had a raised ceiling with glittering chandeliers dripping down from it like icicles, and smooth, windowless ebony walls. Her black silk robes swished around her ankles as she spun around to face them.

"Welcome back, everyone," she grinned. "It's so good so see you all again."

She paused to sigh contentedly and gaze out at the crowd.

"I know some of you may be wondering how you got here," she continued. "And that is because of these."

She unrolled her sleeve to reveal the dark mark, the black ink of the skull and snake standing out against her pallid skin.

"Since our Lord has fallen, I am the leader for the time being. And I have performed magic on my Dark Mark that forces all of you to apparate to Malfoy Manor when I press it. Isn't it wonderful?" her lips stretched into another smile.

"Now, of course I didn't bring you all here for fun," she said, as if she was talking to a group of kindergarteners. "We are going to be starting something very special today. But we need someone to help us. Alexandra, will you come forward please?"

All eyes in the room shifted to Alex, who was completely frozen, as if she wasn't sure that she had heard correctly.

"Come forward, dear," Bellatrix beckoned her. "Yes, yes, that's it, don't be shy, darling."

Alex walked forward slowly, feeling the burning gaze of every Death Eater in the room.

"Bellatrix, what's going on?" she whispered as she mounted the steps to where Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Lucius stood, although everyone in the room could hear her in the dead silence that had settled over the crowd.

"What am I doing here?"

"We need you, Alexandra."

"Need me for what? I am not a part of this anymore, Bellatrix. I thought I made that clear eleven years ago," Alex replied coldly.

"Oh, but of course you are, Alexandra. You can never escape us, no matter how hard you try."

"Why do you need me?" she asked through clenched teeth.

Bellatrix grinned again. "We're bringing our Lord back."

A collective gasp arose in the Hall and Alex's eyes went wide with shock.

"How do you plan to do that?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Well, that's where you come in, of course," Bellatrix purred.

"What have I got to do with this?" Alex demanded. "I refuse to help you! With any of this! Did you not understand me when I said I was leaving, Bellatrix? I meant it."

She turned on her heel, attempting to disapparate, but found that she couldn't.

Bellatrix snickered. "Do you really think that I would let you get away that easily, Alexandra? Did you think that I was foolish enough not to put up protective enchantments that prevented disapparition?"

Alex's hand went automatically to her pocket, reaching for her wand, but Bellatrix just laughed again.

"Alexandra, let's think this through. You are in a room full of people whom you betrayed, who will rush to my defense if you attempt to harm me. Do you really think this wise? Put the wand away, darling. It's of no use to you now."

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