Chapter 12: Sad Ending

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Matt saw everything happen in slow motion; the green flash of light, Alex collapsing to the ground, Salome's tears, Hermione holding Salome back as she lunged forward towards her mother, and the silence that followed. He didn't move for a moment, just stood completely still and stared at the motionless body of his love.

He didn't realize he was crying until he felt wetness on his hands.

It seemed surreal- like a dream- as he walked over to Alex and knelt beside her.

He could feel that he was sobbing, but he wasn't paying attention to his tears. He traced his thumb across her cheek.

"Alex," he choked out. "Please ... please don't leave me."

His tears rolled down his cheeks and splashed onto her face. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around her limp body and rested his head on her stomach, the sobs wracking his body.

"No," he whispered. "Don't go. Please don't go. I love you so much. I can't live without you. Oh, Alex, please don't leave me ..."

He broke off into heavy sobs again.

Ron put his hand on Matt's shoulder and Hermione held Salome while she cried.

The sound of their mourning pierced through the stillness of the forest and into the night sky.


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

Matt didn't even hear the words of the priest who was orating the funeral. He didn't hear anything. He just stared straight into the trees surrounding the gathering and let the time pass by. The only thing he was aware of was Salome standing next to him. He had his arm around her and she was pressed close to his side.

The story they told everyone was that Alex was killed in a car accident. It was believable; no one questioned it. Matt felt sick lying to Karen and Arthur about what happened, but he had been sworn to secrecy about disclosing anything concerning the wizarding world.

There were two funerals; one for humans and one for wizards. Of course, Matt attended both. It was now the second one for the wizards. There was a large crowd; by this time everyone had found out how Alex had sacrificed herself to save everyone from Voldemort. The plan had been successful and Harry was able to kill him. The tides changed in the war after that; without a leader, the Death Eaters quickly lost their strength.

Matt was broken out of his trance when he felt Salome tugging on his shirt to get his attention.

"Matty," her eyes were full of tears and she was holding a white rose. "Can - can you come with me? I don't want to go up there alone."

He held her hand and they walked to the coffin. Together, they placed the rose on the surface and bowed their heads.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron all said wonderful things about Alex and her bravery and her heart. Matt tried his hardest to appreciate it, and to appreciate the effect she had had on everyone at the funeral. But his heart was too broken and he had cried all of his tears.


Things got better, just as they always do. Salome was the only thing that kept Matt grounded over the next few years. She went back to Hogwarts, but visited him every chance she could. Matt returned to Doctor Who after taking a break, and then continued his acting career. He raised Salome and still kept in touch with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. After the war was over, Alex was seen as a hero in the wizarding world. Every year on the anniversary of her death and the end of the Third Wizarding War, there was a memorial for her. Salome and Matt always visited her grave the day before while it was still quiet, and left a single white rose.

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