Chapter 4: The Truth

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Once Alex and Salome had arrived in Salome's bedroom, Alex explained everything about Bellatrix and the dark rituals to her, leaving out the part about the threat. She knew that she was taking a risk, but Salome had to know. And she was home safely now.

"So why couldn't I have gone back and warned the staff at Hogwarts? Mum, they could help us fight him!"

"Oh darling, I know. But we can't tell them just yet. We need to figure things out first."

Alex knew she was avoiding the question, but she didn't want her daughter to know the real reason because it would only scare her.


"No buts" Alex held up her hand. "It's time for you to get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay," Salome replied grudgingly, climbing into bed.

Just then, they heard footsteps approaching the door. Matt walked in and Salome's face lit up when she saw him.

"Matty!" she cried, jumping out of bed.

"Hey, poppet!" he greeted her, grinning as he picked her up and swung her around.

Alex watched in amusement, swallowing the guilt that she still felt for what she had done to him earlier.

"How did you get here?" Matt asked as he ruffled Salome's hair and set her down.

"Mum came and got me at school because-"

"It's time for you to go to bed now," Alex interrupted, folding back the covers on Salome's bed.

"But Matty's here!" she protested.

"Yes, and you can spend time together tomorrow, alright?"

Salome got into bed again, and Alex tucked the covers around her.

"I love you so much," she whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, Mum," she smiled.

Matt blew her a kiss. Alex turned off the light and closed the door, leading Matt back out to the living room.

As she was walking, Alex suddenly felt the all too familiar splitting pain in her head.

"No," she whispered, clutching her head in her hands. The pain exploded and the last things she was aware of Matt's arms around her and his panicked voice before she blacked out.

"Alexandra," she heard the unsettling cold voice before she saw its owner.

Then her eyes slowly began to focus and the source of the voice became clear. She shuddered as she saw the face that haunted her nightmares; the pale skin stretched over a nonexistent nose, the piercing gaze, and the sinister smile all belonging to none other than Lord Voldemort.

"Alexandra," he repeated. "You told our daughter of my return."

"I had to! She's your child, although that's never meant anything to you. She has a right to know!"

"That doesn't matter," he sneered. "You disregarded orders."

He stepped forward and wrapped icy fingers around her neck.

She gasped for air and tried to jerk away from him, but his grip only tightened.

"If either of you tell any wizarding folk about me, Salome will be harmed, mark my words."

"She's your daughter!" Alex choked as he let her go.

"That is no concern of mine!" he bellowed. "You obey me or she will be hurt and that is final!"

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